The Zombie Attack Thread

Grease Monk

Intertoob Ninja & Hamster Hunter Extraordinaire
This meme seems has been crawling the intertoobs and it looked fun. Here's how it goes:

You're in the mall (or your favorite computer electronics store) when the zombies attack. You have:

  1. One weapon
  2. One song blasting on the speakers
  3. One famous person to fight alongside you (fictional is fine as well)

To get this rolling here are mine:

1) The Painkiller from the Painkiller game.

2) Bodies by Drowning Pool

3) Kate Beckinsale playing Anna Valerious in Van Helsing.

Great, a spelling mistake in the title, the one place i cant edit...i rock.

Thanks to the anonymous benefactor who fixed it :p
1. Chuck Norris
2. Baba O'Reily - The Who
3. Nicole Kidman (from batman returns :p)

Let Chuck handle the zombies - i'll catch a movie or something with Nicole :p
1. The orange rocket launcher/machine gun from serious sam

2. Drowning Pool - Bodies

3. Angelina Jolie in a bikini :p
^haha nice one, but too risky as you'll be too close to the zombies and remember when you backstab a zombie, u'll loose your disguise :p, though you can cloak and escape, but wonder how many zombies you can kill this way :bleh:
1.M60 machine gun

2.No song, Just recording of Jeremy Clarkson shouting POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

3.Terminator with his rail gun.
1) Chainsaw
2) Welcome to the jungle : GNR
3) Khali :bleh: (might be too slow for the zombies, hope the zombies are as slow as Shawn of the dead)
1.The Minigun from The Matrix helicopter scene

2.In a heartbeat - Theme from 28 Weeks Later or Closer by Nine Inch Nails

3.King Leonidas from 300
Quakeworld Rocket Launcher

Symphony of Destruction blaring in the bg

A nice big ferocious dog to rip apart anything that comes close :rofl:.