This Diwali....A treat for my ears


Sorry, i know i'm a little late to get on the Diwali bandwagon, but couldn't post this earlier.

Got these two IEMs this diwali from Lynx.

Brainwavz M2


Head-Direct RE-1(finally):eek:hyeah:




Thankfully i got to audition the RE-0 and RE-1 before having to choose between them.

Found the RE-0 too dry for my taste and genre of the music i listen to.

However, i kinda regret not buying the E7 along with the RE-1 as didn't have enough cash on me at that time.Could have saved a 1000 bucks, as these surely need an amp to shine.

On the M2, they are more like the PL-50 that i used to own, but have better bass and more control in the high frequencies.
yeah i'm already addicted to RE-1s soundstage and easy on the ear sound signature.Just saving up some moolah for an amp so as to enjoy them to their full potential