Graphic Cards This guy really hates Nvidia (GT200b taped out)

arnold said:

It's definitely true that the Inquirer loves the Red. But what this man reasons here is true as well. Albeit he blows it out of proportion. GT200 is gonna be expensive to produce. That is pretty clear from the supposed prices of GTX280 and GTX260.

If HD4870 can get past 9800GTX by around 30% and 4850 can get past 8800GT by same margin along with keeping a comparatively low power consumption and scaling well in crossfire, they will mop up Nvidia in mainstream gfx market.

Now this is not some wishful thinking. It is based on some solid numbers. We are assuming 4870 to be slightly faster than 3870X2 and on most occasions better it. Also, becoz it is a single chip card, unlike 3870X2 it won't have any crossfire quirks.

Here is a very recent review of 9800GTX. Mind you, it's an "extreme" 9800GTX and still loses to 3870X2. There is also a reference 9800GTX if you care to see.

But I also believe Nvidia is the meanest and smartest IT hardware company right now. I will be very surprised if they do not plan for 4870 and 4850.

If not anything else, there is gonna be a great price war so that two 8800GTS or even two 9800GTX or for that matter two 9800GT (supposed to launch soon) can fight 4870 and two 9600GT and 8800GT can battle it out with 4850

Imagine, good gfx cards for all... :eek:hyeah:
^ I agree 110% there. Although he really dramatize the whole thing, there is some truth in there.

There is no doubt GT200 is going to be a performance monster. But all that performance at what cost? Pricey parts, higher TDP. No thanks, I've grown old and wise. I would rather sacrifice little performance for the sake of better balance of price and power. ATi most likely won't take the performance crown again from nVidia, with decent bump in performance from previous generation and properly priced parts... I think they will still go home smiling with mainstream mullah in their pocket.

Note to ATi guys : You are getting that hardware part handled well now, it's time to get those drivers nice and tuned up.
i second u guys..

true getting 1 billion plus transistors on a chip wid 65nm tech is gonna give very less yeild and gonna be hugely expensive to produce...

but i was jus trying to show d point dat how biased the review was..specially the last part where it was compared to the geforce 5800's.

i also agree 100% wid inquirer.. this reminds me, ATI was right that 'multi-gpu' at the cost of ''single monolithc gpu'' is a way to go... Nvidia disagree dat & nw wd b paying price of single monolithic GTX 280 agnst R700..
Wht u guys say?
Sheer power is nice... but, does everyone need it?

Intel and AMD once tried the same thing... going after getting more n more megahertz out of chip. AMD realized it sooner and showed Intel that speed doesn't matter. Luckily, Intel corrected their mistake with Core architecture.

NVidia is bit more lucky than Intel, as they are at least providing performance true to the speed (whereas AMD was able to stomp Intel at lesser speed while being energy efficient). But personally, I like AMD/ATi's approach now. Get the balance right. They only need to get their drivers flawless, and we have good all-rounder graphic cards at good price.

arnold said:
but i was jus trying to show d point dat how biased the review was

No doubt about it. The whole article stinks of bias. But, you really cannot ignore the facts of it. Even though the writer, dramatize it to ridiculous extent. :)
As I posted very briefly in another thread, nvidia is sitting on its laurels and have temporarily stopped innovating (remember the FX series?).

Thats why:

1) They are enlarging the G92 into the GT200.

2) They are going to keep selling the G92 until March 2009.

Another kick in the ass from Ati (remember the 9600 and 9800 series?) might open nvidian eyes.