Time Te Replace My Old Bravia


Diablo's Rapier
Just Got My 40D6000.

3D Movies, Here I Come.


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Yup, it is active 3D glasses. But being at 200Hz It will surely be flicker free.
sukant said:
Awesome buy :).

"Time Te Replace My Old Bravia"

In between did TE replace your bravia ;).

I wish i could, giving it to my bro who is so very 'NO GEEK', and i feel not being a Geek is a blessing.

Thanks a TON for all the good wishes. Happy Diwali To All.
Te is used in place of To by Scottish folks ;) (although it is written as tae).

OK, I wont go into the specifics but I am also looking for a top of the line LED TV and would

like to know your criteria for buying this TV. Does 3D really make a difference? Do you get

headache while watching 3D through glasses? Sorry for the n00b questions :ashamed:.
If you say Top of the Line, I would suggest you to go for LG LW5700 or LW6500 series TV depending on your Size and Budget. Thing is, I prefer passive over active because the glasses are cheap, easy to replace and you dont need to charge em or worry about the battery running out when you are watching a movie.
ultimabasher said:
If you say Top of the Line, I would suggest you to go for LG LW5700 or LW6500 series TV depending on your Size and Budget. Thing is, I prefer passive over active because the glasses are cheap, easy to replace and you dont need to charge em or worry about the battery running out when you are watching a movie.

True, Even I would go for a passive 3D Glasses, but then i asked myself, 'SHOULD I SETTLE FOR PASSIVE 3D AND SACRIFICE PICTURE QUALITY' or otherwise. And when I compared LG's TV side by side with Samsung, guess what, Samsung's Black were amazing, besides the picture quality, the richness of content. LG lost this one.

Then the other thing was, 'HOW MUCH OF 3D PILL AM I GOING TO TAKE' and the answer was very simple, With less then 30 3D movies releasing every year, i need to focus on 2D Quality first and later talk about 3D. So Samsung Won this one as well, Samsung even won the 3D quality parameter way above par with LG. LG is good when you want passive 3D, But with less then a single movie a week, go in for a best 2D TV which can play better 3D.

@Darthcoder - No headaches while watching 3D.

Another suggestion is that LW5700 is 100Hz so if you are paying then pay a bit more and go in for something that does 200Hz or above. LW6500 Certainly does 240Hz.