Review Transcend RMA

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Gave my transcend DDR2 ram for RMA at accel and the lady told me it will take 2 months to get the replacement .
When i told her i need it fats cant wait for that long - she said the 2 month time is the minimum it might take even 3+ months for
me to get the replacement :scared14:.

I thought transcend having lifetime warranty and all will be like corsair ....didnt know they actually take a lifetime to guys
beware of this company ...or they will make your life hell when you least expect it :(.
Nothing new..... If I recall correctly, Transcend was always taking 2 months for RMA at-least for their RAMs ....
I still haven't received a word regarding my pen drive submitted in March.
So 5 months and Transcend~Accel still going strong
Well not only transcend but there are many who trouble a lot , there is a reason why Corsair uses the word " Legendary " while referring to its customer service . Its simply unmatched , so worth the extra money .
Well not only transcend but there are many who trouble a lot , there is a reason why Corsair uses the word " Legendary " while referring to its customer service . Its simply unmatched , so worth the extra money .

Their pricing is the same as others I think...
I still haven't received a word regarding my pen drive submitted in March.
So 5 months and Transcend~Accel still going strong

OMG :crazy: i have only one stick now and that too transcend - going to ask for help from delta pheripherals .

Well not only transcend but there are many who trouble a lot , there is a reason why Corsair uses the word " Legendary " while referring to its customer service . Its simply unmatched , so worth the extra money .

Please mention the brands that take customers for a ride like transcend - maybe we should start a thread on this subject so future buyers can make a informed decision and not get cheated when something goes wrong .
Please mention the brands that take customers for a ride like transcend - maybe we should start a thread on this subject so future buyers can make a informed decision and not get cheated when something goes wrong .
Many brands out there , even after paying a bomb for something Seasonic , Asus , etc , you may fall into trouble . Also depends on luck , yeah trust me luck .
Two of my friends sent their faulty WD drives for RMA , which is known to provide good service . One got it replaced in a week and other 2 months .
My Samsung HDD took over 40 days to replace when the service center guy called the next day after checking that it was indeed crappy .
My iball PSU took over a month to replace and when I took my mouse ( not a cheap one , comparatively expensive ) , they replaced it on the SPOT . But the PSU and the mouse costed the same .
Another important factor are connections , if you got connection inside the service center , then what would be the problem ? .
Also depends on the area , in some area , some brand's service might be better , in some area , worse .
In the end of the day , luck , connections , area , etc are a factor !! .
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