CPU/Mobo [Trouble shooting]PC wont boot without clearing the CMOS

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Hi Guys,

I upgraded Mobo+RAM+Proccy couple of days back. the following is my current rig

  • Mobo GB B85D3H
    Proccy 54440 K
    Ram Corsair vengeance 4GB
    PSU Corsair VX450
    GFX GTX650
    HD Intel 530SSD and SG 160GB HD

    Today after i pressed the power button on my PC the PC did not POST, the sys fans were not spinning the PSU fan was also not spinning, nothing it was as though the PC had been switched off. so i tried the following to trouble shoot the issue

    • Removed each and every component in my PC and tried to boot without them (i.e i tried booting without my hard drive,gffx card,audio card it still was not booting )
      Removed the PSU , i shorted it with paper clip to see whether the PSU was working fine(the fan was spinning so i think there is no issue with the PSU)
      Finally i put everything together shorted the CLR CMOS Pins s to clear CMOS and then tried booting it(Voila Booted without any hitch)
      I checked the temps and volts in the bios and they were normal

      see for your self
      changed the RAM to different slots(Still did not boot)
      Flash the bios using qflash(nope still wont boot)
      So again i shorted the jump pins cleared the cmos(Did not boot at first but after 10-15 minutes the system booted)

      I thought the issue was with the power switch so i switched to my reset button and it still wont boot.

      So iam suspecting that my mother board has gone kaput. so should i RMA my mother board? or is there anything else iam missing? thanks for your help in advance.

How did you flash the BIOS if your mobo went bad? I suppose qflash means that your board has uefi bios. By saying mobo does not boot, do you mean you can boot into uefi bios but not into windows?
How did you flash the BIOS if your mobo went bad? I suppose qflash means that your board has uefi bios. By saying mobo does not boot, do you mean you can boot into uefi bios but not into windows?
OK so i am able to boot into windows after 10-15 minutes clearing the cmos by touching the CMOS CLR pins.
That is the PC comes alive on clicking the power button after clearing the cmos .
It power cycles and then boots into Windows without any ISSUES.

WHen i say nothing happens on clicking on the power button i mean nothing the CPU,GPU Fan does not spin, SMPS fan does not spin i mean it looks as though the PC is swithced OFF even when i try to turn it on by pressing hte power switch
Your power supply ground connection might be loose, or the ground may be not sunk properly causing current to feedback to the PSU. Clearing CMOS works, so this can be a static issue as well, but then it is usually a single time issue.

Can you disconnect all components and try one at a time as well while you get the power checked?
Yup i posted the same in tomshardware and they suggested me to breadboard it so iam going to do that[DOUBLEPOST=1402480892][/DOUBLEPOST]
Your power supply ground connection might be loose, or the ground may be not sunk properly causing current to feedback to the PSU. Clearing CMOS works, so this can be a static issue as well, but then it is usually a single time issue.

Can you disconnect all components and try one at a time as well while you get the power checked?
how do i check whether the my SMPS is grounder properly?[DOUBLEPOST=1402563891][/DOUBLEPOST]ok gus i swapped in my old mobo and it seemed to boot properly without any issues. however out of the blue my hard drive got corrupted (repeated restarts and got the NTFS_BOOT issue)and now iam not able to go beyond the boot screen :( so i opened up my computer and found that the sata cable connected to the mobo was bit loose so maybe this is what corrupted my hard drive?
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Looks all messy issues.

Your hardrive isnt corrupted but the os boot files are corrupted which can safely be repaired with the os dvd.

Coming to your setup, you did say that your old mobo works good.

So do this with your new setup:

Disassemble the whole setup and on bunch of papers or a wooden table, reassemble your mobo/ram & processor/psu.
Just connect your keyboard and no other device not even your harddrives or anything or any extra cable (mouse\ethernet\audio etc)
Connect gpu if mobo doesnt have any onboard display.

Then power on the system by pressing the power-on button on the mobo. If it works then the first test is passed. Still repeat this test couple of times.

Then connect your hdd then boot and see if it boots this time.If not then connect the dvd drive, insert the installed os dvd and repair the os.

If all goes well then its time to reasemble the setup in your cabinet. Make sure your mobo is sitted on the static paper which it comes wrapped into while its fitted in the cabinet.

Then try to power the machine again.

Report back!
Looks all messy issues.

Your hardrive isnt corrupted but the os boot files are corrupted which can safely be repaired with the os dvd.

Coming to your setup, you did say that your old mobo works good.

So do this with your new setup:

Disassemble the whole setup and on bunch of papers or a wooden table, reassemble your mobo/ram & processor/psu.
Just connect your keyboard and no other device not even your harddrives or anything or any extra cable (mouse\ethernet\audio etc)
Connect gpu if mobo doesnt have any onboard display.

Then power on the system by pressing the power-on button on the mobo. If it works then the first test is passed. Still repeat this test couple of times.

Then connect your hdd then boot and see if it boots this time.If not then connect the dvd drive, insert the installed os dvd and repair the os.

If all goes well then its time to reasemble the setup in your cabinet. Make sure your mobo is sitted on the static paper which it comes wrapped into while its fitted in the cabinet.

Then try to power the machine again.

Report back!
thanks for the reply but i think i have nailed down the issue.
I think it is my motherboard so i have submitted it for RMA to Accel.
My old motherboard+proccy+RAM+PSY+GFX+Soundcard set up is working harmoniously without any kinda hiccups. so it either gotta be my motherboard or the corrupt harddrive or both :D.
the decuction is right i presume
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