Storage Solutions Trouble with Toshiba External 1TB HDD

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My roommate's 1TB external Toshiba HDD is giving trouble.
It all started with the disk showing an error which says something similar to " please check disk file system corrupted".

We performed check disk in Windows cmd
chkdsk E: /f

First time it came up with some errors and corrected something like $130 index.
After this it opened up and we are able to browse its folders but some folders are empty.

We re ran a chkdsk again and it hung up at 75%

Now we decided to format the drive and formatted it into two equal partitions.

Now the problem is Copying and Reading files is taking very very longer time than normal.

What do you think is the problem? Anyways to bring it back to normal?

Please drop by your suggestions and answers.
Download and Use HDD Regenerator.

In it, Choose to Regenerate Range for the Drive.

NOTE: It takes exceptionally long and you might end up requiring one whole night (or more) for the entire drive. :P
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