CPU/Mobo [Troubleshooting] i5 4460 reaching 100C !


Hi all,

I recently built my own pc and its running quite well. i5 4460, gtx 960 asus strix and corsair spec 01 case.

Recently I added two fans and now the temperature is reaching 100C for processor. Mobo is cool at 40C and gfx card is at 60~70C. Only processor is getting hot.

What should I do. ironically processor was at 67C max before fans and now its 100C with fans
Solved! This thread may be closed.

Wire of cpu was stopping the fan from heatsink from spinning. Used zipties to better manage the cables.

Now cpu is running at max 54C. Is this hot too..?
Solved! This thread may be closed.

Wire of cpu was stopping the fan from heatsink from spinning. Used zipties to better manage the cables.

Now cpu is running at max 54C. Is this hot too..?

54C ok, not that hot.. if browsers with multiple tabs have been opened