Monitors TV as monitor or monitor as TV


Guys , I want a new monitor for my PC. But cant choose one. I would like 22 inch led/lcd within 15k for using it as multipurpose screen (as TV also). Would it be better if I buy a TV itself and connect to my PC? Also I ve found this:


Since it can play movies from usb, my guess is that it would be better than any standard PC monitor. Any thoughts?
#guneshwor Go for the TV if you want a easy, hassle free solution.

However, if you want to record stuff, and get a slightly cheaper deal, go with a monitor, a 22 incher should cost about 8.5K, Asus oplay mini for 3.5k and a PCI tv tuner card for ~1.5k
#guneshwor Go for the TV if you want a easy, hassle free solution.

However, if you want to record stuff, and get a slightly cheaper deal, go with a monitor, a 22 incher should cost about 8.5K, Asus oplay mini for 3.5k and a PCI tv tuner card for ~1.5k

Why will he need oplay mini for as he is going to use it with the PC and on PC every format will work.
if you've have the budget, then just buy a TV.. actually, theres not much difference between a monitor and TV these days, except the few connectivity options that are given extra on the TV.

and the philips option that you're looking at seems decent.