OC & Modding Unable to overclock both Processor and GPU


I have e6750 and a 96GT normal edition (650/900)
I recently bought gigabyte G31 - ES2L mobo
but the main prb is using this mobo i cant oc both procy and gpu
if the procy is in stock (i.e. 2.67 GHz) i can only oc the gpu and if the procy is @ 3.0 i cant oc my gpu using rivatuner
else if I try to Oc them both system got freezed whenever i ran Ati tool or any game ....
ooh yes one more thing i took my 96GT to my friends home and tested it on his abit ip35 pro mobo. He has a e8200 oced to 3.2 and mine card was also oced to 725/1000 and system didnt freezed even after playing grid for 30 min :S
overheating probably not the issue as because the load temp of procy is just 61 - 62 and for GPU load temp is less than 70 ...
and i have corsair tx650w psu .....
plz help me out friends :huh:
Post your OC settings and how you've been going about bumping it.

BTW, Corsair TX650 for a e6750+G31M ES2L and a 9600GT?
It seems to me that its a problem with the person tryin to overclock. Me thnks he's a noob:tongue: .....try using a diff person to OC and report back... :rofl:
P.S. : JK....hahaha!
i think its crashing due to increased pci-e clock after ocing cpu .

G31 doesnt let u overclock above ~ 340 fsb without increasing the pci-e clock , means after u set the fsb to 375 , the pci-e clock would be increased around 105 appox which will make the card unstable .

G31 is not good for overclocking cpu with 1333 fsb .
RoBoGhOsT said:
i think its crashing due to increased pci-e clock after ocing cpu .

G31 doesnt let u overclock above ~ 340 fsb without increasing the pci-e clock , means after u set the fsb to 375 , the pci-e clock would be increased around 105 appox which will make the card unstable .

G31 is not good for overclocking cpu with 1333 fsb .

Yup. You had best spend on the CPU/Mobo combo in a balanced way and not pair a G31 with a high end CPU.
On the other hand i don't think OP is anywhere close to 340(1360 FSB). The limit for the Gigabyte G31 is around 1600FSB, woudn't feel comfortable going beyond that.

Again, im not sure he's capped the PCI-E clock at 100Mhz. On auto it would go up on it's own mostly.
Amien said:
Yup. You had best spend on the CPU/Mobo combo in a balanced way and not pair a G31 with a high end CPU.
On the other hand i don't think OP is anywhere close to 340(1360 FSB). The limit for the Gigabyte G31 is around 1600FSB, woudn't feel comfortable going beyond that.

Again, im not sure he's capped the PCI-E clock at 100Mhz. On auto it would go up on it's own mostly.

yep PCI-E clock was at auto
i set it at 100Mhz and voila prb solved :eek:hyeah:
thanks guys u rock :clap: