Laptops [URGENT - Mini Laptop] Asus Eeebook X205TA, or Lenovo Ideapad 10080MH0080IN?!


4 seconds, inhale; 4 seconds, exhale.

need a mini laptop for parents. have shortlisted the two models in the subject. the asus one has lesser RAM but seems to have more powerful battery. anyway, which one would be the better of the two? the Lenovo model is under lightning deal for a few hours more today. pls suggest ASAP.

That Atom proccy can take only 2GB RAM, though it is a quad core; where as Celeron can go till 8GB. Apart from that; adding 120GB Samsung EVO 750 SSD costing 3300 would make a good difference in case needed.
at this budget of mine (~15k), this then looks to be the best proposition. there's one asus model (11.6") too I came to know thanks to @vivek.krishnan, but can't find it, nor sure if spending 5k more (its for ~20k) for the mentioned usage is really required (for I won't be using it myself; the laptop is to go abroad with her).
thanks bandhulog! but looks like the plan has hit a wall. Ministry of Home Affairs has rejected the proposal of a laptop on hearing that it will be required to be lugged around. :p
so now contemplating buying a tab. will create a thread for that soon.
finally got iball compbook excelance (11.6"), thanks to @vivek.krishnan. was not easy to get; in exchange for lots of sweat apart from money. :p

BTW am hearing a buzzing sound emanating from somewhere near the bottom of the screen it seems. first I thought it may be the atom processor's sound, but upon restarting when the display turned off momentarily (after the laptop reboots), the sound too turns off, to resume later. this means that its display related I think. what do you guys say? any solutions? the sound is not too audible, but noticeable if sitting in quietness.

edit: perhaps tweaking/increasing the brightness would help. will check later today.
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finally got iball compbook excelance (11.6"), thanks to @vivek.krishnan. was not easy to get; in exchange for lots of sweat apart from money. :p

BTW am hearing a humming sound emanating from somewhere near the bottom of the screen it seems. first I thought it may be the atom processor's sound, but upon restarting when the display turned off momentarily (after the laptop reboots), the sound too turns off, to resume later. this means that its display related I think. what do you guys say? any solutions? the sound is not too audible, but noticeable if sitting in quietness.

edit: perhaps tweaking/increasing the brightness would help. will check later today.

Sorry for the delay, but we are not taking the same, at least not now. May be later.

Hope that you got your device with all accessories. Plus a look at the device as well.
finally got iball compbook excelance (11.6"), thanks to @vivek.krishnan. was not easy to get; in exchange for lots of sweat apart from money. [emoji14]

BTW am hearing a buzzing sound emanating from somewhere near the bottom of the screen it seems. first I thought it may be the atom processor's sound, but upon restarting when the display turned off momentarily (after the laptop reboots), the sound too turns off, to resume later. this means that its display related I think. what do you guys say? any solutions? the sound is not too audible, but noticeable if sitting in quietness.

edit: perhaps tweaking/increasing the brightness would help. will check later today.
Do give us a review of the device once you spend some time with it.
Do give us a review of the device once you spend some time with it.



talked to the iball dealer today regarding the buzzing sound coming from the screen. he told its normal & there's some firmware to fix it. going to the iball service centre tomorrow to check that.