Urgent - Modem or Router for Airtel?

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Am getting a new Airtel connection.
I want the Wireless Router (In this promotional scheme both Router and Modem are free so cost isnt an issue here) but the Airtel guy is adamant that I take the modem as I'll be connecting it to a Desktop and not a Laptop.

What should I do?? In case I want to use the same connection for an additional PC(Laptop) the Wireless router would be useful naa??

What do I do, please advice urgently.

Thanks :).
But that idiot is telling that wireless router cant be connected to a PC :( inspite of me telling that it can be connected using a wire, what do i do??:(.
Just get the wifi router :P. Ask the retard how is the wifi router configured if it cant be connected thru ethernet :rofl:.
Just get a temporary laptop and let him connect it. Once he leaves you can do the desktop stuff yourself. No point wasting energy arguing with him.
No temporary laptop, can I ask him to get this laptop??

I'll write down all the settings and stuff, will that work??

Sorry, n00b here :(.

Dont waste your time over this, its peace of cake to connect a wireless router to a PC, believe me!

My connection:

BSNL-> Buffalo -> PC

|- - -> LAPTOP

The guy who you're talking to and the guy who will come to install most likely are not the same person. Just be firm with them and tell them that it's possible. Tell them that lot's of your friends have done so and put them on the defensive by saying that they are trying to cheat you.

Right now, they are playing on your insecurity that you have never seen such a configuration in action before. So, just act like you have.
w00t, told him to bring the wireless router and he agreed!!

Had to tell him about 4-5 times that I want the wireless router ONLY.

Guess he was adamant since the router costs 500 bucks more than the modem

and he wanted to save some money since the Router/Modem is free in this promotional scheme.

Thanks once again guys!!!!
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