Monitors URGENT: Suggest replacement monitor for this Dell.. new purchase is to be sent back

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Me and friend bought Dell S2240L some 4yrs ago. But his monitor conked off all of a sudden few weeks ago and in republic sale was looking for a new one.

On my suggestions he bought this LG 22MK600M. We didn't knew it has Matte display. This is a huge turn-off for him. It looks so dull!

One who has used that glossy finish Dell monitor earlier wont find these plain matte IPS impressive incl. me.

Kindly urgently suggest a monitor similarly glossier display like Dell in 21/22 in size.

The return window for this LG purchase is 8 days from today so suggest alternative as early urgently one can.
On existing LG there are horizontal lines no matter what the settings or port.

Can someone suggest in Benq or Dell?
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