Laptops USB Boot drive for HP Mini 110 netbook


I have a HP Mini 110 1047TU, (Atom N280 processor, 945GSE Chipset), and I want to make a USB boot drive for it. (No optical drive on this machine)

I am using an 8gb Kingston thumb drive, formatted using FAT32, and have tried
a) The Acronis Boot media creator
b) The HP USB Disk Format Tool

In both cases, after the initial HP screen, the screen blanks out, and no further HDD activity or anything else happens.

Has anyone else faced a similar problem? And could anyone give some suggestions abt what is going wrong here?
Use Diskpart to make it bootable and also select the USB drive by pressing F9 when the system is booting up.

ok, so how do I make my USB drive bootable?

open a command line window on your Vista machine then type the following sequence of commands:

* Diskpart

* list disk (you should be able to spot your USB stick by the size, take note of the number listed against it)

* select disk n (where n is the number from the previous step)

* clean

* create partition primary

* select partition 1

* active

* format fs=ntfs quick

* exit

And you are done!