Laptops USB Charge Cable of Macbook keeps coming loose?


I recently tried one of the newer entry level Macbook Pros that have USB-C charging ports.

My issue with this USB-C charging system is that sometimes the cable disconnects and comes loose and you don't even realise because visibly it looks plugged-in; it's happened a few times I've kept the laptop to charge only to realize it hasn't charged because the cable wriggled loose. Or I'm sitting on a couch with the cable attached and realise that it stopped charging because the cable got tugged slightly.

I feel the friction fit with USB-C is not even as good as the Magsafe's magnetic force fit.

Does anyone else face this issue or is this something to do with my cable? Can we use aftermarket USB-C PD cables with Macbook Pros (in the hope there will be a better friction fit)?

I'm hoping there's a solution, because I just ordered a M2 Macbook Pro from the US and would hate to go through the next few years with this issue.
I am quite frankly surprised because i figured apple components would be built to a tight tolerance. It's the 3rd party alternatives that can be iffy if not branded. Look for something from anker if available. Or just get another from Apple.

The usb c cable on my HP spectre still holds well after nearly five years. Though i have to say nothing beats barrel connectors for grip.

I went with uSB c at the time because it was all the rage back then.
I recently tried one of the newer entry level Macbook Pros that have USB-C charging ports.

My issue with this USB-C charging system is that sometimes the cable disconnects and comes loose and you don't even realise because visibly it looks plugged-in; it's happened a few times I've kept the laptop to charge only to realize it hasn't charged because the cable wriggled loose. Or I'm sitting on a couch with the cable attached and realise that it stopped charging because the cable got tugged slightly.

I feel the friction fit with USB-C is not even as good as the Magsafe's magnetic force fit.

Does anyone else face this issue or is this something to do with my cable? Can we use aftermarket USB-C PD cables with Macbook Pros (in the hope there will be a better friction fit)?

I'm hoping there's a solution, because I just ordered a M2 Macbook Pro from the US and would hate to go through the next few years with this issue.
Interestingly, was reading a thread somewhere else the other day where the top complaint across laptops was the poor fit of a Type-C cable for charging and how easily it comes off compared to other connectors.

This is not an unknown issue as it happens across devices based on the tolerances of the port and the cable head, thus completely relying on friction as you have mentioned.

I have had different fits with different cables across different devices, so it is nearly impossible to say what will work. What you can easily do is to take it to a service centre and get them to confirm if it is an issue for your machine alone.