Storage Solutions USB pendrive error: Disk is write protected. Unable to format.

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Yesterday plugged in my 8g pendrive on friends infected laptop for copying songs from his laptop and during the copying process it started giving error about some write protect.:(

Now pen drive isnt getting formatted. Tried on win 7 and xp.:mad:

Tried HP formatting tool but no ways.

Disk is write protected. Unable to format.

Tried both Fat32 and exfat but same error.

*1. Open Start Menu

*2. Run, type regedit and press Enter; this will open the registry editor

*3. Navigate to the following path:

4. Double click the key WriteProtect in the right pane and set the value to 0 In the Value Data Box. Press OK

*5. Exit Registry

*6. Restart your computer and re-connect your USB pen drive on your computer.

Same issue persists.

1. open command prompt (cmd.exe)
2. type "diskpart"
3. type "list disk"
4. identify which one is your USB disk.

5. type "SELECT DISK n", where n is the number of your USB disk.
*** BE CAREFUL AT THIS PART. Selecting the wrong disk might delete your hard drives ****

6. type "clean", (you may need to repeat twice or thrice). If it doesn't work, don't proceed with the next instruction :-(
7. type "create partition primary"
8. type "select partition"
9. type "active"
10. type "format fs=ntfs"

..but at step 6 the pendrive light goes off and nothing happens further even waited for 2 hrs.

This again same issue persists.




So what is the other way out to fix this very annoying irritating issue????

**Got no dvd/cd drive so cant try any hiren stuff or linux.
But if these work via bootable pen drive m happy to try them.
Post the tut, the one which actually works.
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Please check with Chip
Yesterday plugged in my 8g pendrive on friends infected laptop for copying songs from his laptop and during the copying process it started giving error about some write protect.:(

Now pen drive isnt getting formatted. Tried on win 7 and xp.:mad:

Tried HP formatting tool but no ways.

Disk is write protected. Unable to format.

Tried both Fat32 and exfat but same error.

*1. Open Start Menu

*2. Run, type regedit and press Enter; this will open the registry editor

*3. Navigate to the following path:

4. Double click the key WriteProtect in the right pane and set the value to 0 In the Value Data Box. Press OK

*5. Exit Registry

*6. Restart your computer and re-connect your USB pen drive on your computer.

Same issue persists.

1. open command prompt (cmd.exe)
2. type "diskpart"
3. type "list disk"
4. identify which one is your USB disk.

5. type "SELECT DISK n", where n is the number of your USB disk.
*** BE CAREFUL AT THIS PART. Selecting the wrong disk might delete your hard drives ****

6. type "clean", (you may need to repeat twice or thrice). If it doesn't work, don't proceed with the next instruction :-(
7. type "create partition primary"
8. type "select partition"
9. type "active"
10. type "format fs=ntfs"

..but at step 6 the pendrive light goes off and nothing happens further even waited for 2 hrs.

This again same issue persists.

View attachment 58676
View attachment 58677
View attachment 58678

So what is the other way out to fix this very annoying irritating issue????
please check with Chip Genius Software( latest one) to determine the chip inside and go to their respective website to fix the problem. some companies provide online repair too if there is a firmware issue. I bought a HP V165W4GBPendrive from Homeshop18 which dramatically became USBESTFlash2Storage from HPV165W while I was transferring some data from my Desktop one day:arghh: since it was under warranty I've called up the HP Customer care and may be due to Geographical location, somebody from Kolkata picked up my phone and asked my email address to send me a repairing software but, I've been sent a Jet flash repairing Software in stead:rolleyes: which say, "no Jetflash drive detected! There are some fake HP pendrives on Indian market with firmware tweaked to show 8GB or more on windows only which are acually not(hardly128mb or so). Chip Genius Software can detect it's chip and firmware used and we can fix if it is only a firmware issue and not physical damage like, internal burned out or breakage of circuit etc.
"Write Protection Error" can be fixed by using Skymedi MPtool. if it asks from a setup password you can enter 123456[DOUBLEPOST=1437738960][/DOUBLEPOST]
"Write Protection Error" can be fixed by using Skymedi MPtool. if it asks from a setup password you can enter 123456
^^^Above screenshot was taken while a 4GB Drive of MBLSwivel was showing the error on windows formatting tool but sucessfully formated by Skymedi SK6226DTformat tool
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"View attachment 58694 "Write Protection Error" can be fixed by using Skymedi MPtool. if it asks from a setup password you can enter 123456[DOUBLEPOST=1437738960][/DOUBLEPOST]
^^^Above screenshot was taken while a 4GB Drive of MBLSwivel was showing the error on windows formatting tool but sucessfully formated by Skymedi SK6226DTformat tool
I tried downloading.

It contains 2 folders one for PNY & Aother for CHIN drives.

My drives is Transcend ones and didnt got detected in either of those.

Thus this too FAILED!!!
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An updte for all. URescue is a very good software for Pendrive with Corrupted firmware usually shows that, "No media found, Insert Disk"
etc. error. I've successfully Cured my HPV165W4GBPendrive which had some firmware issue and showing No Disk/No media. firmware was updated by Urescue and my that drive became useable again
[DOUBLEPOST=1438186556][/DOUBLEPOST]The paradox is, Due to network problemo_O The pictures got posted multiple times :p I'm sorry for the inconvenience :(
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