Using Vpn (Openvpn) With Airtel3G Anonymously ?


Guys there is this open VPN app that allows a user to bypass any restrictions, even price monitoring, and that too for free. A friend of mine is using it. He doesnt require any balance in his card. just a Airtel 3G network. Connects to it through he is getting speeds upto 7.2mbps(700kbps download speeds) and doesnt get charged at all.

I on the other hand have tried using this trick and it doesnt seem to be working at all. Worked fora while though in the beginning. So please help me guys. If anybody knows ways like these or a workaround.

I am running Vista HP on both my laptops and have created a new username and password also.
Dont know about others but it seems you want to end this workaround.

Posting such things where employees of airtel are members?... Well what more can i say

The count down begins.
Sorry man my bad. I just need an answer. also if u could tell me where to post it i'd be glad to. Now........ how abt an answer?
Dont know.i dont use airtel.

But it sure is bad news for those using it.

See if you can edit you thread or pm mod to delete this thread.