Valve unveils Steam Box


After nVidia having released their very own gaming console, Valve don't want to be left behind in this field. But wait a minute, what have we here? A console or a mini PC? Read on to find out.
Steam Box

Vavle and Xi3 have worked together to present to you Steam Box at CES 2013, Las Vegas. Valve's Steam Box has a name, and it's "Piston". Here's where we clear one doubt, the Steam Box is a mini PC.

Steam Box is very much like the tiny sized computers that X7A line up already offers. The internal specifications as leaked by Polygon are:
  • Quad Core Processor
  • 384 core integrated graphics
  • 4 or 8 GB of RAM

As you can see, the Steam Box might be tiny, but does pack a punch. Additionally, it will pack:
  • 4 x eSATA ports
  • one ethernet port
  • 1/8" audio in/out
  • SPDIF optical audio
  • 4 x USB 3.0 ports
  • 4 x USB 2.0 ports
  • 2 x Mini Display ports
  • 1 x Display port/HDMI port

These are the features found in the demo Piston unit at CES 2013. It is possible that these features are tweaked or changed before a final release.

The Steam Box will come in various configurations and price ranges. The one listed above is set for $999, clearly a very non-Valve like move with that kind of pricing.
That processors and graphics comes from an APU i.e. Trinity A10 4600m based APU but in an embedded for making it an R series APU.
so that is the steam box according to you?"valve unveils steam box"?epic fail on your one said it was the much rumored steam box,NO most this was said- "“development stage computer game system optimized for Steam gameplay in Big Picture Mode.” In other words, it’s a prototype device that plays PC games on television screens. Valve will also be investing in Xi3, but the companies didn’t say how much or for what purpose.THIS ISN'T VALVE'S STEAM BOX.
Gabe's already said there will be multiple steam boxes,by third-party vendors and one by valve itself,which will be based on linux(but users are free to install any other OS if they wish to).at most this prototype by Xi3,is suggestive of a steam box coming from the same company sometime in the future(one can't be sure of it).also what 'leaked specs' are you talking about?nothing's leaked,xi3 reps just said that piston's based on their x7a product,so writers have been suggesting specs based on x7a,nothing's leaked,it's just speculation.dnt go around spreading misinformation.
if they were announcing the steam box,they would make a bigger deal out of it.
well I did mention that there will be various configurations under Steam Box, but this product here is very much as Valve said one of their Steam Box products