Monitors VERY IMP - Reqd info on SAMSUNG 957MB & 997DF CRT Monitors

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Hey all the smart ppls with 19incher CRT's & alike

Can u Please Guide me on a VERY IMP point




r still in production & available in the INDIAN market?

If so...are THEY available only in:-

1) WHITE/BEIGE Color,or are they available also in

2) DUO-TONE "SILVER-BLACK"Color(2 complement my DESKTOP >Most Important<)

Now,Can the community friend with the better knowledge come to my aid in getting my preffered "DUAL-TONE SILVER BLACK 957MB or the 997DF CRT's"?

P.S- "Best" to KNOW THE FACTS FROM THE HORSE MOUTH,I neeed 2 get to know the availability status & FAQ's abt the AS directly from SAMSUNG ppls.So anyone knowing abt the SAMSUNG INDIA's HO e-mail,get in touch!
Well, i know that the 997DF is still available. kidoman has it. Ill ask him to help you out. Hes very happy with the screen, except at 648*480 resolution. But thats a problem with all 19" CRT's.
goldenfrag said:
Well, i know that the 997DF is still available. kidoman has it. Ill ask him to help you out. Hes very happy with the screen, except at 648*480 resolution. But thats a problem with all 19" CRT's.

Yeah I got one too...its excellent....never ran it @ 640* a 14 inch if u wanna run @ that res I say..or you're blind (not meaning u GF).....

excellent monitor....much better for gaming that most others available here I say...good color reproduction....I got a beige one...not choosy about colors am I.
Well i also use a 997 DF beige... I was also on the lookout for a Black or Black Silver combi but it wasnt available... 997DF is an excellent monitor... For black you can go Philips way... Thier 19" counterpart is available in Black... BTW you can afford a 19" CRT then why not buy a 17" LCD(Not for gaming)... A 17" LCd will just give you a little bit small viewable area then a 19" CRT...

They look better feel better are resonabely priced and are available...
Buy the Samsung SyncMaster 713N 17 inches 8 ms TFT LCD Monitor = Rs. 15000 or Viewsonic VA712 17 inch 8 ms LCD Monitor = Rs. 14000
udit-130286 said:
Buy the Samsung SyncMaster 713N 17 inches 8 ms TFT LCD Monitor = Rs. 15000 or Viewsonic VA712 17 inch 8 ms LCD Monitor = Rs. 14000
I second your statement UDIT & many of alike

I am in sort of dilemma,bcoz,i want the best of BOTH WORLDS-Performance of CRT(19'') & Looks of LCD(17"+)

Now,,I would be mainly using the rig for
2) Gaming,So the moot question -Is the SAMSUNG SYNCMASTER 713N[Silver-Black](if I go for that) going to be THAT BAD a Choice for Gaming & PHotoshop?

For Gaming,however,I would be MOSTLY GAMING on my 32" PHILIVISION RFT-CRT TV,but I am mainly thinking about PHOTOSHOP(in a PRO way)......
..........also I am making a NEW SYSTEM & is BIG-TIME Choosy abt Colour-Coordinated Desktop-Primarily,everything in SILVER-BLACK colour,& hence only was THINKING about the SAMSUNG 19"PRO SERIES CRT monitors,which all seemed 2 fit the Bill,BUT if 19"CRT like the 957MB or the 997DF does not come in Silver-Black Dual-tone colour like their 17" counterparts(AFAIK,on personal queries 2),I would be most UNFORTUNATE to give them a MISS! & Bank on the looks of the 713N,than its performance as per say

Now,going by my TRICKY situation & Constarints(getting BEST Of BOTH WORLDS & that 2 within 15,000 INR),what SHOULD BE MY CHOICE at BEST?

So,can the Better Knowledgeable members HELP ME at that?
one point I should make here is that for gaming u just cannot beat a good 'ol CRT.. Its just that the contrast ratio of an LCD coupled with the response time just make them unsuitable. Of course they are catching up, but it will be awhile.
This is especially noticable with a scene having high contrasts (example a night scene with a very bright light source. HDR furthermore brings some more probs to current gen TFT's...because they simply cannot reproduce those complex refractions and the "bloom" effect that HDR has become famous for, which ofcourse is a precursor to HDR.
I'd say a really good LCD would do the trick, but the "really" good ones will be more than 15K....

Samsung is a very good choice, second to sony but good, both on the CRT and LCD fronts.

Also another point worth noting: buy something that isn't very common...not for show value...Its usually better. For example the first pieces of SS 793MB (not sure of the suffix) were good, then 17" SS's became a hot seller, now they are close to POS. Current gen still says 15" TFT and 17" CRT so a 19" CRT or a 17" TFT will be good....
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