Linux Visual Basic alternative in Linux??

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Hey friends, got stuck in a big problem. Please take to read and suggest. :)

The main situation is in my office I need to develop applications in Linux for Linux based clients, which my other colleagues develop in Windows using VB6 and Visual Studio 2008(VB/C#).

Now the problem is I never tried GUI programming in Linux. With a little Google search and asking in respective channels, I get to know my options are qt, gtk+, wxWidgets etc.

But the problem I face in these technologies are, I need to concentrate on learning coding for how to create windows, widgets etc. rather than concentrating on my application logic. The GUI design in qt seems better than gtk+, as in glade if I add button it takes up whole form, I need to think in hierarchical manner in order to add any widget, first a container, then a layout and such that.

It'll take lot's of time and also really hectic, in case of gtk+ its more.

I tried Mono, but really I didn't find it real good to develop application there, I also need to package them in .rpm and .deb for clients.

I tried Gambas too, but find it a crap, no support, and one story is I developed a project in Gambas once which is running fine now, now I need to add more modules and the project is not opening and throwing 1000s of errors in gambas2, as I developed it a while back in gambas1, even the whole syntax set is changed.

Any idea what should I do??

I must tell you that technology and language is not a problem. I'm not saying that I need VB or C#(which are only windows based). I'm willing to learn new language or use other languages, but the problem is GUI design. I don't have any problem using qt(as gtk+ seems crap) using C++, but as I said, I need to learn coding for creating windows rather than my application logic, like I did once in GUI programming with Visual C++, another thing is database like I did in VB using pre-defined classes.

Well...what are your ideas and suggestions?? Please don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong anywhere :)
AFAIK, QT is your best option. And as you have already noticed, it has a hell of a learning curve. Unfortunately, Linux is still the geeks' platform, so you will have to help yourself :) mean I better give myself some time and learn Qt(err...code for creating windows) :P

And it's in C++, so it looks like I wont be getting code suggestions that I used to get in VB once I type anything / a '.'

And what about database access?? I never learned accessing database from C++.
Well, that's the only thing I am aware of. Folks who work more on windows based application on Linux should be able to give more insight :)

you said you don't mind learning a new language. then I would strongly suggest you should first learn python(atleast basics) and start developing cross platform GUI Applications using pyQT.

* you might ask Why Python only?

you can write your code in language like c++ but as you know it would be time-consuming as you have to do stuff like memory management,garbage collection etc . Whereas Python is similar to vb in a sense you DON'T have strong type system and those ugly curly braces to deal with. And at same time python does lot of things on its own increasing productivity. It is dynamic & modern language. And If you in market to learn a new language - It should be python without a doubt

* Why pyQT?

Because it enables you write cross platform applications(Windows,Linux,Mac & Mobile too!) using python. Also, it does have event driven model(signal & slots). for anyone who has done GUI programming in past, he can understand signal & slot approach with little effort.

Also, there is Qt Designer which would give you same drag,draw & drop approch that you are used to with Visual Studio.

How to proceed:

1) First Learn Basic Python:

2) Learn PyQt

3) Practice, Practice & more Practice

Python Tutorials:

PyQT Tutorials:

Lastly, since you are learning new language(python) & GUI framing(pyQT). you might have put bit effort but I am sure you will benefit a lot in long term.

Happy Coding:D
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Thanks :)

Well...I know python(atleast the basics), once I read the PDF of S. Ch. Sharma(Forgot the actual name) and practiced the codes. It was awesome.

I'll again look at it and the links you provided to make myself more comfortable with python.
Ya sure...that was really helpful. Thanks a lot. I will surely look at those things.

But seems like first thing is to explain my CEO and HOD all these and tell them that I'll need some time tor this :) :P
For explaining this to your management, download this 14page pdf, print it and give them for reading along with a cup of cofee;) it has Success Stories, case studies, sample code etc. it could help you and your bosses decide if pyQT would is appropriate technology for you & your peers to learn.

Link: Riverbank | Software | PyQt | Whitepaper
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