CPU/Mobo Walk-in RMA help for AMD CPU

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I have a Ryzen 5 3600 that I want to get RMAed since I suspect it's defective. It has been causing my PC to freeze and hard hang haphazardly, irrespective of load. I have currently replaced it with a 5600x, which has fixed the issue and my PC has been running smoothly since.

I have already filled the AMD form, and I got an email from Inspirisys as well about how to ship it and such. But since I stay in Bangalore, I want to go hand it over myself through the walk-in option they stated. Right now, the 3600 is in the chip enclosure the 5600x came in, since I don't have the box for the 3600. They have only asked for the CPU to be shipped, and not the heatsink.

How do I go about this? Can I just hand over the CPU in the enclosure inside a box?
Yes should be enough. You could wrap the enclosure in some foam/bubble wrap and label it with the RMA number for some peace of mind. Makes it safer to carry too.

Although the heatsink is not needed sometimes the service center people ask for it. Take it with you if you still have it.
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