Wanna get rich?? Find bugs in Mozilla softwares


Getting rich has become more easy with Mozilla foundations new offer

Are u interested??
If you are a user of the Mozilla Suite, Firefox or Thunderbird and noticed some security bug, report it immediately here . Reporters of valid critical security bugs will receive a $500 (US) cash reward and a Mozilla T-shirt.

The Mozilla Security Bug Bounty Program is designed to encourage security research in Mozilla software and to reward those who help us create the safest Internet clients in existence. The Security bug must be original and previously unreported and it must be a remote exploit. If two or more people report the bug together the $500 reward will be divided among them. Check out the Security Bug Bounty Program FAQ. German bloke Michael Krax got $2,500 after he found five bugs in its Firefox browser.

Source: Mozilla Foundation news, links can be found inside the quote.