PC Peripherals Want to buy a good 2.1 Speaker System

They cost more than MX5021 at arnd 8.5k,chk the link below.If u can import them,they only cost abt $100 in the US.


Though i had considered the Z2300,

I bought my MX5021 after a lotta research.Havent had the opportunity to listen to the Z2300 but apparently from the reviews, the bass is boomy comp to MX5021 which has a more balanced sound.Im very satisfied with my speakers and they beat my Sony MHC GNZ7D music system which is rated at 200W RMS in terms of clarity.I guess having a good sound card does count he he...

There is a slight hiss from the speakers but its no big deal.I guess it depends on how anal u r abt it but while playing music,games etc its not a problem coz the hiss is not audible then.Only when the speakers are on with no audio playing,u might hear the slight hiss.