Want to install Win7 RTM alongside XP & Arch in my netbook


My 1005HA netbook came with XP and I want to keep it for a few months. In the mean time, I have already installed Arch on another partition.

Partition 1: XP

Partition 2: Arch

Partition 3: Arch swap

Partition 4: Win7 (planned)

Since I dont have an external DVD burner, the only option for me right now is to install Win7 from a SD card or flash drive. Before I proceed I have a few questions:

1. If I install Win7 to a third partition after spawning a new partition from the XP partition, will I lose grub?

2. If I do lose grub, where do I install it to in the future?

3. I plan on removing XP altogether after a few months. Can I just delete the partition, reformat it and merge it with the Win7 partition and assume everything else shall work?

halo_3 said:
My 1005HA netbook came with XP and I want to keep it for a few months. In the mean time, I have already installed Arch on another partition.
Partition 1: XP
Partition 2: Arch
Partition 3: Arch swap
Partition 4: Win7 (planned)

Since I dont have an external DVD burner, the only option for me right now is to install Win7 from a SD card or flash drive. Before I proceed I have a few questions:

1. If I install Win7 to a third partition after spawning a new partition from the XP partition, will I lose grub? Yes
2. If I do lose grub, where do I install it to in the future?Don't know where u should install, but it's always better to install LINUX as the last OS, so that Grub detects each windows partition, In your case after installing win 7, u'll have to reinstall grub, using a live media..
3. I plan on removing XP altogether after a few months. Can I just delete the partition, reformat it and merge it with the Win7 partition and assume everything else shall work?Yes, everything will work .. just remember to remove the approprate entry from grub..

Hope I cleared some of your points..