Laptops Wanted: A laptop With Style Speed & Reasonable weight.


Here it goes.
Ive just passed outta college:) and gotten into an MBA(tech) course.:D the university requires all students to posses a laptop.
They are offering one but i dont want a run of the mill budget laptop like everyone else.
My Budget is about 70-80k (slightly expandable)
Main Usage Studies + Gaming (Not casual but not hardcore either:p )
Im looking for something that looks very different looking from all the standard VAIO's and HP's and Dell laptops out there.
Keep in mind that im probably gonna be lugging this thing around for 8 hour's a day so think before posting a 3.5 kg desktop replacement laptop.
XPS1210 or if you can wait then the XPS 1330even though it is a Dell, the XPS series is far better than the regular Inspirons in terms of build quality and looks
Another vote for the Dell XPS 1210

Also u can check out the Compaq B1950TU for some 50k, its a compartively low end(compared to the Dell XPS 1210, otherwise its quite powerful) 12.1" portable lappy
Erm im getting the feeling that the specs on the compaq are terrible. Its terrible VFM. I dont need a ultra portable i think a max weight of 2.5-7 Kgs is acceptable to me.

The dell isnt even released yet so theres no telling when itll get to India. Anything a bit more current ?

Whats the review on the Acer ferrari 4005. It seems to use A slightly outdated AMD processor but looks hyper cool !
Erm im getting the feeling that the specs on the compaq are terrible

They are pretty ok for the price point its offered at....price is high cause of that screen.

The dell isnt even released yet so theres no telling when itll get to India. Anything a bit more current ?

The Dell XPS 1210 is always there, add a 7400GS for that moderate gaming....

Oh and add RAM from an outside source later onwards....
go for a Mac... u will easily get high specs with this budget....

what in heaven's name gave you that idea? don't shoot straight from the hip when you aren't too sure about what you are saying!

Macs always carry a premium price tag and at any given price point, you'll get higher specs on a PC than a Mac ..

also for a MBA student a Mac does not make any sense since there is no point paying a premium for OS X when the student will NEED to run Windows using bootcamp

for the o/p, I believe there are a couple of Asus 14.1" with C2D and dedicated GPUs within your budget..However, Availability and after Sales service may be an issue

the XPS1210 is perhaps the perfect fit for a student in terms of weight/size/portability and performance.

Erm im getting the feeling that the specs on the compaq are terrible. Its terrible VFM

to the contrary, The 1950TU is good VFM since it has a great 12.1" screen coupled with reasonable specs (A T2050 is nothing to scoff at, it would compete closely with a X2 3200 and the ilk....)

however, since you would be in college, you'll need good battery life and the 4 cell battery on the 1950 may not be enough

Having said that, the low weight of the 1950 with the excellent LCD nevertheless makes for an excellent student machine
Ive looked at the stuff recommended buy all you guys. A Dell XPS1210 seems like the best. Ive also looked at the ASUS G1 and A8JS both of which are friggin kewl. But they weigh in at close to 2.8 Kgs.

the G1 costs 86k(Inclusive of VAT and free backpack + MX1518 gaming mouse) what draws me to it is the fact that it has a 8600 mGT GPU, the only peice currently in india is parked somewhere in mumbai customs. :(.

The A8JS will cost close to 80k and is due to be launched sometime next week...

Dell doesent offer ant DX10 or santa rosa based stuff here yet.

Do you think the G1 is worth the spend ?
Do note that that the XPS1210 is a 12"er..I'm currently pursuing my MBA and trust me working on a 12" screen for long stretches is a pain the @$$..Go for either a 14" or a 15.4" screen.

PS: I'm using a Lenovo Y500 37Q..
The Dell 1420 and XPS 1330 are on their site (though shipping will take place only later next month). You can have a look at them.
I'm currently pursuing my MBA and trust me working on a 12" screen for long stretches is a pain the @$$..Go for either a 14" or a 15.4" screen.

It's a personal thing matey...

i prefer a 10.6" over a 12.1 over a 14.1 and absolutely detest 15.4

And for a student on the move, a 15.4 or even a 14.1 should usually be a no-no unless he/she is really keen on a big screen to watch movies
superczar said:
And for a student on the move, a 15.4 or even a 14.1 should usually be a no-no unless he/she is really keen on a big screen to watch movies

14.1 inchers arent that bad mate :bleh:
asides, its always nice to catch a movie or two with the lappy on ur lap :)

as per ur title, there can be only one laptop to fulfil ur requirements..:
DELL M1330 . .

at just a shade under 2kgs it should be ideally portable and with looks to kill and style to flaunt, u shud be a happy man..
the M1330 wud cost u 70k for a config like this:
C2D T7100 1.8 GHz
1 GB DDR2 667 Mhz RAM
160 GB 5400rpm HDD
8400M GS 128MB GFX card (for ur more than casual and less than hardcore gaming uses :) )
VISTA home premium (jus as good as the ULTIMATE)
1 year complete cover

only downer is that they ship it after 20July only..u gotta wait a month for this baby..

Another beautiful lappy is the 1420:
C2D T7300 2.0 GHz
1 GB DDR2 667 Mhz RAM
120 GB 5400rpm HDD
8400M GS 128MB GFX card (for ur more than casual and less than hardcore gaming uses :) )
VISTA home premium (jus as good as the ULTIMATE)
3 year complete cover

all this for 70k..

hope this helps
arre, there won't be much of a difference between the T7100/7300 vs a T5250

I'd take the latter and configure the 1330 for a shade above 60K and the 1420 for just above 50K
superczar said:
It's a personal thing matey...
i prefer a 10.6" over a 12.1 over a 14.1 and absolutely detest 15.4

And for a student on the move, a 15.4 or even a 14.1 should usually be a no-no unless he/she is really keen on a big screen to watch movies

Maybe true but that also depends on the proximity of your hostel/accomodation from the institute...I've a residential campus so there's almost neglibible carrying around..

@Xanthor: Do check out the diff. sizes available at any showroom before finalizing your decision..After all, its all about your comfort..

Weight and size is always a personal choice..

I would say choose according based on ur requirements, use of the laptop and even ur size with respective to the laptop! :p

Eg, for a six foot guy a 15" lappie may not be a weight issue at all (unless he has a back problem or is over 70) but for a 5 footer the 17" lappie may not be the best choice (unless he is built like arnold) !!

Me?? I always like things in large packages! So il go with a >= 15" anyday... :D
I like my desktops big and my laptops real small :devil2:

In fact I won't consider a rig a laptop if it is big

Damn, I need a 32" display for my desktop, someone please loan me money :devil:
Hmm i looked at a few lappys didnt like the feel of anything from HP/compaq they feel plasticky. I cant really tell how a dell would feel since they dont retail them.