Wanted:Athlon-XP heastink from Thermaltake/Coolermaster etc.

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The title says it all.Should have a clip based mechanism preferably,Cu coolers preferred.
With the stock cooler and vcore@1.725v,the cpu diode temps reach in lower 70s and the cpu temp reach 59c ,so want a good HSF ASAP.
I have a Thermaltake Tower112. I bought it when it was retailing at Rs.3,800/- at PRime ABGB. It doesn't come with any fans but I can throw in 2 80mm Thermaltake fans for free. Here's a comparision of how better it is over a stock HSF.

A7N8X Dlx 2.0; Athlon XP (Barton) 2500+; OCed to 2304MHz

VCore = 1.9V

Max Load temp on Stock HSF - 71C

Max Load temp on Tower112 - 54C.

Both temps were taken during summer after running Prime95 for atleast half hour.

The Tower112 is very heavy. My guesstimate would put it around 950g (including 2 80mm TT fans) in weight. Yep, thats 950g of all copper hehehe ;) I used it for 4 months on my AXP rig and all was/is well :D. U r looking for a CLip-mechanism HSF and this is NOT that kind. U'll have to remove ur mobo, install the back plate and then seat the HSF. Tricky the first time, but a breeze the next time around. The best thing about this HSF is it is supported for all CPUs. Right from socket A & P4 to socket 754, 939/940, LGA775.

If u r (still) interested, PM me. :cool2:

Pic: http://www.thermaltake.com/images/coolers/ComboCool/cl-p0024tower112/enlaregedView.jpg
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Masky: Thanks for the offer,but am not keen on such an investment of both time and money(presuming u'll let me have the cooler for something in the 2k range) right now.Want something in the 1K range.Probably will go for a Coolermaster XDREAM-III.
BTW those temps u mention are the cpu diode temps or the socket temps?Just curious..
Thats the thing.My vcore is at 1.725v,the socket-temps never reach over 60c but the diode indicates 73c on heavy loads like P95.ASUS Probe is useless IMHO.Everest's sensor tab gives much more detailed info.
I had lapped the stock hs using 600-grit paper sometime back,used thermal paste(of the better variety) and added a coolermaster 70mm(70x70x15) fan@3600 rpm (without all this the diode soared to 80c+!).But I guess a coolermaster HS with Cu core will help a lot.
well, in that case it most probably is the Socket temps that i have posted. ANd yes, the Tower112 I had tested my CPU on was lapped (with 400, 600 and 1200 grit) and AS5 applied.
undertaker said:
But I guess a coolermaster HS with Cu core will help a lot.
I think there was a Coolermaster Aero7 (Cu-Al) HSF on sale in market. I have used one such HSF for a brief period and its performance was somewhere in between the Tower112 and stock HSF i have tested.
Yeah will probably do that,that is if I can coax myself to do anything for a rig that I have to use only for 20 more days.LOL.
I have a Thermaltake Silent Boost (K7) for sale. I run my Athlon XP 1800+ 1.53 GHz thoroughbred B at 2 GHz and the temperatures don't go over 52-53 degrees even under full load. And it's completely silent as the name suggests!

I'll sell it for a thousand. So let me know.
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