Monitors Wats good for Lcd's ?

Wats Good for Lcd's :
Keeping Them On when even when not in use or switching them On & Off whenever required ?

which of these is good for the life a Lcd Panel ?
Keeping them on for long without any change in the display screen causes the pixels to be temporarily stuck. They become unstuck after a few days of use. I dont think the damage is permanent but its better to turn the screen off or atleast run a screensaver.

Someone had a scary experience in the link below.

LCD Monitor burned in screen?!

^^ True, even switch had similar problem. Just turn it on when u use it. I have set to automatically turn of the LCD if its idle for more than 15mins.
Another reason to preferably keep it off is related to the CCFL backlight used in displays. They have a rated lifetime - though mostly like 50,000 hours or so (which is in fact quite a lot) - beyond that the light will die/fade and these backlights arent user-replaceable.

Turning things on and off will always have some effect on electronics, but nothing that can be too serious. The way i see it pixels shouldnt be affected, since they are just liquid crystals that change orientation based on the transistors driving them. When you turn them on/off they are merely being re-oriented which happens *hundreds* of times a second anyway.