Monitors Weird monitor thing

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I use a power profile for my pc that turns off the monitor after 5 minutes of inactivity (just the monitor, hdd remains at normal speeds).
The monitor is 5 years old and I have been using this power profile ever since I can remember.

Whenever I wanted to leave my pc I woud just lock the desktop and leave it (never worked the power switch at all for fear of ruining it since it's mechanical afterall).
And whenever I wanted to use the pc, I would just move the mouse, unlock the desktop and wait 4-5 seconds for the crt to warm up

Now ever since I replaced my 8500 with a 9800pro, then a 6600gt and now an onboard gf4mx, the monitor behaviour changed somewhat.
It turned itself off properly after being idle for 5 minutes, but upon moving the mouse again the picture would come back 'instantly', ie - no more warming up. It was like the thing was never really turned off.

Never really bothered about this and been using it the same way since more than an year untill now...
Last night when I looked at the monitor from my bed, I could CLEARLY see really faint activity on it - windows being minimized, scrolled, etc.

I got up and examined it closely and surely this was the case.
I saw that they weren't proper window, just random changing of display done really fast (like an out of sync monitor with the brightness turned all the way down).
They were really faint and not even visible if I turned on the lights, only in the dark could I see them.

wtf is this??
I am not sure how long it has been doing this, for all I know it could have been doing it since forever as it's really hard to see even with all the lights turned off.
I am sure it wasn't just my eyes playing tricks on me as I tried again when I returned in the evening.

When I move the mouse, the display comes back perfectly..., but again in an instant.
Even so the monitor is working perfectly at 1280x960x32 @ 72hz, no problems with any of the functions either.

But any ideas why my crt doesn't need to warmup anymore with any video card after the 8500?
And what exactly are these faint images zooming past on the screen when it's supposed to be turned off?
Well my monitor does need some warming up after being turned on, have a 9800 pro. Change the power profile to say 10 mins of inactivity...
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