Weird secondary monitor intermittent issue


So I'm facing this weird monitor issue since few months but off-late have become a daily menace!.

I have dual monitor setup: Primary is an hdmi one, secondary one is vga connected via hdmi connector. (tried two different connectors)

Whenever I lock my computer and when I resume, the secondary monitor either works or the led goes/remains amber color with no display on it.
But on the primary monitor the icons of secondary monitor doesn't merge and my programs still open on the secondary vga monitor but due to no display on it, cannot use them.

Workaround is go to Display settings, identify/detect the monitors, but even off-late this isn't working.
Even in nvidia settings this tweak either works or not.

But if I log-off, the second monitor led lits up properly aka green and in the logged-in use everything works fine until I lock the user.

Nothing in event viewer as well.

Refresh rates are stock 60hz for both and have tried latest nvidia driver updates and windows updates but to no avail.

No bsods, errors, gaming issues etc. Just the user resume/unlock issue that too intermittent issue.

What else can be tried?

P.S: Complete pc specs in my siggy!
You mentioned this is happening since few months, might be some new issue that exists in new nvidia drivers that hasn't been fixed yet. Maybe try reverting to some older version ? Just a suggestion.
apart from adapter (amazon basics adapter are good), consider checking resolution settings; I read sometime back about differing resolutions on 2 different monitors in a dual-display, causing issues.
I think the problem is still with your hdmi to vga converter. Do you not have dvi port on your secondary monitor?
Nope its a pure vga one.
It does not happen on every a/c lockout but 70% times.
apart from adapter (amazon basics adapter are good), consider checking resolution settings; I read sometime back about differing resolutions on 2 different monitors in a dual-display, causing issues.
Its on stock resolution only.
how is the monitor's power plug fit? any looseness, I noticed for many years, monitor plugs have some play and it can cause issues - switching on/off. ensure it fits snugly. if reqd use an adapter.