PC Peripherals Went to Nehru Place (These are the prices for my Rig)


E6750 - Rs.8000
XFX 8800GTS 320Mb - Rs.16500
Did not get price for Abit IP35-E
But Price for Abit IP35-pro was Rs.12500
So i guess i will get ABit IP35-E for Rs.8000
Viewsonic 19" Square - Rs.9100
Kingston Value Ram 2x1GB 667 Mhz - Rs.2800
250GB HDD - Rs.2700
LiteON 20X DVD Writer- Rs.1700
Corsair VX-450Watt - Rs.4500
Zebronics Hawaii - Rs.4600
Logitech Mouse+keyboard - Rs.1000

Please Suggest A good gaming PAD(Around Rs500-700)
TV tuner Card

After Adding above sum my PC is costing Rs.58,000(Plus 500 for pad and about 2000 for TV Card)

Total - Rs60,000

How much discount can i hope on total sum?

I have gone for quality and expensive things in PSU and Cabinet as i feel the Low quality (show) cabinets will hamper PC and High Temps will decrease performance.

Will order PC in first week of November
Hoping price drop another 3 to 4 k by then.

Looking forward to getting ur final approval and comments...

Thank You very Much
why not get the ABIT - E only , unless you planning to OC to extreme limits .

get the samsung SATA writer for 1.3 k thats the best thing you can get at that price. instead of the zebronics order the CHEIFTEC BH-02-BBB from abhishek @ via mumbai from arihant will come out to be cheaper and i liked the cabinet more than the zebronics.

get the vg1930 widescreen lcd instead of the one u mentioned must be at most 10k.
200mph said:
why not get the ABIT - E only , unless you planning to OC to extreme limits .

get the samsung SATA writer for 1.3 k thats the best thing you can get at that price. instead of the zebronics order the CHEIFTEC BH-02-BBB from abhishek @ via mumbai from arihant will come out to be cheaper and i liked the cabinet more than the zebronics.

get the vg1930 widescreen lcd instead of the one u mentioned must be at most 10k.
Dude i will think about chieftech cabinet, I will not go for a cheaper board
And i dont like wide screen... I like big Square one
Dude check the specs of the square monitor b4 u buy..mostly they r old stocks..typically with 8ms response time as compared to wide screen which r 5 - 2 ms :)
Buy the Ram as soon as possible, its highly unlikely that the prices of Ram will fall any further but as has been seen before Ram prices fall and then may rise up again to maybe 1700 per 1GB stick. though search for better prices, you can get them for around Rs. 1250 per 1GB.
you will may be able to find it even for 1200 but then it will be like no bill on the other side of the SMC building the ones which have a lot of old comp hardware shops but i really doubt about warranty being more than a year on those sticks. rather get it for 1.35 - 1.4 from cost to cost smc or ce atleast will be more piece of mind.
You can get Abit IP35-E for 5.3k & IP35-pro for 9k if you can wait for 7-10days ... and if you know where to get it from ^_^
Actually i understand prices i have told are just a tad more because i did not bargain but just went to check out the prices. I wont be buying from nehru place but from a trusted comp ent. I wont get over priced things from them, plus dad will get some discount from them..
i just collected market price for my comp right now and it is costing Rs.60,000 without bargaining.
So hoping i can shake off around 5k by november when i order.
Actually i have finalised my configuration and I will be ordering around diwali.
I have exams in first week of november so waiting for them to get over.

And I want a square LCD(I know viewsonic has 8ms response time which is very good and i wont feel difference of 5ms in WD till i have a much bigger screen like 22" with 8800GTX), More over i hate Wide Screens. They just dont feel right. Since i have to see screen daily i wont want a monitor whose propertions i like.