What are your other interests???

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Hello all,

Apart from computers and stuff, what are your other interests/hobbies???

Please post here......

It could be anything in the world. From reading, to wacthing TV to being a history buff, a quizzing fanatic, a reader of all types of books( no type of book is non-readable...), etc....... , a Harry Potter fan, anything........

Please post....

PS: My interests are already listed above(except the TV part..... do not get much time).
i wrestle, play football, mess around and act like *******s with my friends alot, i take shit apart adn mess with electronics ...
weightlifting could be one since my room is stackd with weights
gaming's a bit up there too
I love Reading Novels: LOTR, Fedrick Forsyth, and some more.....actually a Lot More
I Also Love my huge garden, and i am a Nature Junkie.
Irony but i also like Big fast cars and fast bikes.
My Karizma is modified with all the Hayabusa Type.....if only i had a Hayabusa ....a real one.....hahahaha
Anyway i like to eat too and cook as well.
Basically whatever i find interesting
Mods..... could you please merge the 2 threads??? I didn't see the old thread before starting one of my own.............
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