What is a 64-bit OS ?

it is all about u r Process (If the process sends data in 32 bit speed its called 32 bit process if it sends data in 64 bit its called 64 bit pocess)
Kumar said:

So do the quads run 128bit OSes? ;)

Never thought about this one .. :D seems like a good possibility ...

and the Octas ... 256 bit ... woooooo .. but would it make any difference to us? face it except for some number crunching, (which very few of us do) and Games (which even fewer do) - what additional use are PCs being put to from say 5 yrs ago .. or even from the time of DOS+win 3.1 -

Its the same ole, word processing, surfing, Instant messaging, email , some accounts, oh yes not to forget solitaire and minesweeper.
I think the CPUs and other components must be even more power conserving. For example, we should be able to set individual components to turn off when not needed.

Example is while d'loading in the night, the GPU, mouse, keyboard, DVD drives, webcams, etc. are not used at all. So they should be turned off completely to save power. Also, the CPUs must take C 'n Q a bit further and should be able to decrease the clockspeed to even say..200MHz along with the RAM too if possible.