What is the connection between LTTE and Tamil Nadu?


I was watching the news and the hottest topic right now is Mr Karunanidhi being on fast to support the LTTE.

I dont know much about the LTTE or their cause but from what i have read in the newspapers or seen on TV they seem to be a disprutive force.

The LTTE for sure is a terrorist organisation since it has used various means of force to cause harm to the people not only in SL but they even killed one of our prime minister, Mr Rajiv Gnadhi.

How can a major politial party from India support the LTTE whole heartly?? :mad: :mad:

Isnt this like Pakistan supporting terrorists in Kashmir? How can we fight terrorism when our own polictical leaders cant differentiate between right and wrong??

Everything in this country is for political gain and those damm politicians are out there to brain wash the innocent people.
LTTE is not a terrorist organisation they are fighting for their freedom, dont compare Pakistan with LTTE. Tamils are minorities in Srilanka they were not given any rights by majority Singhalese in studies, job etc. They started struggles (Gandhian way) in early 70 to get equal rights in studies, job etc. Then the majority singhalese started killing Tamils and raping ladies infront of their family members. Later tamils started some movements to fight against SL govt. LTTE Leader Prabakaran grouped all such organisations and formed a group called LTTE since then they started fighting for their freedom. They killed Rajiv because he sent IPKF(Indian Peace Keeping Force) to SL to fight against LTTE in support of SL govt. So they decided to kill him, (One thing you should think except Rajiv no leader was killed on that bomb blast, that time AIADMK was in allaince with Congress Jaya was not there at that meeting). Rajiv killing was a sad, thats LTTE's biggest mistake due that they are not getting any support from India, infact Indira Gandhi provided all military training to LTTE in early 80's in Tamilnadu.
i think its more about the ethnic Tamil caught between the war and the supposed HR violation being doled out by the Sri Lankan army. Of course LTTE is also doing the same, but in the middle of the election season no one would dare to raise that point in TN.
^^completely agreed with you.

These political parties are the curse of Tamilnadu.All they target for is vote. For that they will do anything even to the extent of going anti-india actions.

What is worrisome is both LTTE and Srilankan Tyrannical Govt's army doing the same HR violations against poor ethnic Tamils.

Hope everything ends in peaceful manner.
^^ I dont understand how people can actually have any sympathy for the LTTE. Just now in the news they are showing aerial footage of the LTTE preventing Tamil people from fleeing the small area that they still hold. How can they claim to protect the Tamil people when they are more than willing to use Tamilians as human shields to protect their own skins ?

While I dont know about the Sri lankan armies atrocities on Tamilians and I am sure many have been committed, but if they had wanted they would have pushed into the remaining area using bombers and tanks but they have refrained from doing so even to prevent collateral damage to the Tamilians in the area even if it meant that Prabhakarn could use that opportunity to escape.

Prabhakaran stayed in AC bunkers and his wife and family all have good education and a comfortable life. On the other hand he sends women and children to die as suicide bombers. Not the kind of person I would call a freedom fighter.
from my experience, as far as politics are concerned, there is no right picture, and i choose not to involve myself in it, especially controversial issues like these
pondysuresh said:
LTTE is not a terrorist organisation they are fighting for their freedom, dont compare Pakistan with LTTE.

Its funny how people like to classify one group as terrorists and another as freedom fighters when what both groups indulge in is the same senseless violence and terror.

You say LTTE has a noble cause. Isn't that true for terrorists groups from Pakistan and Afghanistan? They too fight for the upheaval of their country, religion and what they think is a decree passed on by their god to rid the world of infidels (people who do not believe in their god). Its a noble cause for them alright. If killing innocent people is alright when they have what they think is a noble cause, then how are either of these groups different? Its all a matter of perspective my friend. You think Pakistani groups are terrorists cause their violence is directed towards our country and our people. Yet when the same kind of violence is directed towards innocent people in another country, you find it alright in justifying their actions and classifying them as freedom fighters.

pondysuresh said:
Tamils are minorities in Srilanka they were not given any rights by majority Singhalese in studies, job etc. They started struggles (Gandhian way) in early 70 to get equal rights in studies, job etc.

By equal rights, do you mean reservations? reservations do not equate to rights, in fact its a form of favoritism and promoting one groups rights over others.

pondysuresh said:
Rajiv killing was a sad, thats LTTE's biggest mistake due that they are not getting any support from India, infact Indira Gandhi provided all military training to LTTE in early 80's in Tamilnadu.

But I guess when Pakistan or Afghan train's militants so that they can come to our country and kill our people, you do condemn the act and the country responsible for it.
greenhorn said:
um, please discuss political matters elsewhere , thanks.

Would recommend the mods to delete this thread :)

Why are so many threads closed on TE at the first hint of things getting heated. I think the stuff can be a lot more lenient at least on general talk. There is the whole of the rest of the forum to be on topic.