What to get from Oz?


My friend coming from melbourne next week... anything worth getting from there? intd in iphone, ipad , macbook and BB bold.. anything cheaper there than here? Please suggest...
The AUD is expensive than USD so getting anything is useless and mind you gadgets are expensive in Australia .If your friend has layover in Singapore / Malaysia then both are good places to buy.
I wouldn't use expensive as the word. But A$ is worth more than US dollars.

Current exchange rate - A$ = 1.0391 USD

Unfortunately Apple is expensive in Australia. And I thought it was expensive here in US

Iphone 3GS - A$ 719

Iphone 4 - A$ 859 (16GB) A$ 999 (32GB)

Ipad 2 with WiFi - A$ 579 (16GB) A$ 689 (32GB) A$ 799 (64GB)

Ipad 2 with WiFi and 3G - A$ 729 (16GB) A$ 839 (32GB) A$ 949 (64GB)

Macbooks - A$ 1099 onwards (Air) A$ 1399 onwards (Pro) A$ 699 (Mini)

Use this website to compare the price and see if it is worth to buy and also bring it to India:

Smartphones - Price - Smartphone - Buy at Cheap Prices