Monitors Whats this warping on my monitor?


I was cleaning my lcd monitor and saw this warping near the bezel. Seems like bubbles in plastic cover, but its quite hard. I pressed it with my thumb to see if it will move a bit (if it might be air pocket) but nothing happened. I feel it might be cause of too much heat coming in from the ccfl backlights on top.

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Backlight bleed was already bad on it before. Seems like I'll have to save money for new monitor now. Why don't these things last atleast 7-8 years, I cant understand. :no:
Google search, shows many laptop screens with this issue. Seems to be the polarizer hard coating/ film on top of the lcd panel. It might be due to excessively hot working conditions for these screens i guess. Guess that's it then. Nothing can be done about this.

6pack said:
It might be due to excessively hot working conditions for these screens i guess.:|

what do you mean by Excessively Hot Working? What else you can use it other than for Display? What make & date of made?
Excessively hot working conditions = temperature range beyond what the manufacturer recommends. I thought it was pretty straight forward.

Make is Viewsonic and mfd year is July 2007.

Before you ask, the manufacturer Viewsonic lists max working temp range of my lcd monitor to be around 40 deg celcius. My room does not have ac cooling, just a fan running at top speed (even in winter) and the room temp is always hovering around 28-35 range most of the time. So panel would be always 5-10 degrees hotter than ambient temp which would make its life less.