When the power of love overcomes the love of power.... -Hendrix


It's finally here, the OCZ GXS850... no feature improvements over the previous GXS power supplies other than higher total power. It's overkill, but it's good to know I don't have to upgrade even if I decide to dump more components into the Stacker. Here are some pics, no different from the GXS600/700:

It's amazing how they managed to pack 850 watts into a standard-sized PSU - it's no bigger than the 600 and 700 series, but it does weigh a bit more than my current 600 watter.

Anyway, off to install this baby... so I can sleep peacefully ;)
When a computer PSU has half the power rating of an air conditioner, you know the world is coming to an end. Still, at least your computer won't come to an abrupt end thanks to bad power supply.
long long ago, there was this guy called 'svol' from Swissland at THG forums who's siggy read, "My dual-PSU PC is so powerful that the neighbourhood dims when I turn it on :O"

Except its a single PSU in this case! :p

Congratulations Rio!! :hap2:
850w ..... eewwwwww .......

anyone need extra power for their computer can contact rio ..... lol

good buy mate as always :D
congrats...for getting this beast power supply...awesome purchase. !!

KingKrool said:
When a computer PSU has half the power rating of an air conditioner, you know the world is coming to an end. Still, at least your computer won't come to an abrupt end thanks to bad power supply.

does this mean that the PSU with half the power rating of an AC also burn a hole in u r pocket with electricity bills.??

.was just too curious to know this..

means i thought that PC's do not add much to electricity bills,and always argued a bit with mom ,on this topic ..for having my PC almost 24 X 7 on..:S
Congrats on this great PSU purchase :hap2:

But the Packaging was crappy inside as my Corsair HX620W had a better packiing :bleh: :p

faheem_m said:
does this mean that the PSU with half the power rating of an AC also burn a hole in u r pocket with electricity bills.??
.was just too curious to know this..
means i thought that PC's do not add much to electricity bills,and always argued a bit with mom ,on this topic ..for having my PC almost 24 X 7 on..:S

The PSU does not take the Full Wattage from the mains if the PC does not need it meaning if your PC needs 200W & you have a 500W PSU your electricity bill will be of 200W not 500W
woah 850 :O , do u really need that much power ?:p or is it just to complement the stacker :p
anyways its a great piece of hardware, guess thats all that matters :D
Congrats :)

And i love the hendrix quote :eek:hyeah:
Thanks guys, the primary reason I bought it is because I got a steal deal on it.... $174 (Rs.8056) shipped to the US ;) I paid 8.5k for my 600w last year after shipping to India and customs, but this time a family friend brought it.

But yeah, it's a lot of power but it will complement my next upgrade later in the month :p Until then, my wife has decided to draw power for her food processor and boombox from 2 rails :rofl:

@Udit, if we judged power supplies based on their packaging and accessories, the Thermaltakes would win hands down :rofl:

EDIT: If I get the ProXStream @ $300 or so, that'll be my next buy so I can power up my bedroom with the PSU :D
congrats mate, nice price for this powerful a psu....seems quite an overkill for your current config....wonder what's coming later this month ;)
rPOk said:
congrats mate, nice price for this powerful a psu....seems quite an overkill for your current config....wonder what's coming later this month ;)

i think its gonna be a dx 10. card maybe a single 8800GTX .or a pair ??:hap2: