When Xbox is murdered!!!!


I got fed up my xbox laying around.
So i decided to open it up and see whats inside.
Also i had a GF3 card whose fan died a while ago.
So i was looking to salvage some parts and i got them.
Just for some kicks here are some of the pics :p
All opened up

The Motherboard


The Intel CPU

Closer look at motherboard

Inside of casing

When Xbox dies GF3 comes back to life :p
The fan you see on it is the fan i pulled from the xbox. It was cooling xbox GPU. Its funny. GF3 derivative dies to give life to GF3 ti 200 . :p
areee funky what is this yaar? you are going to make those consoles fan boys very unhappy and sad :rofl: :rofl: their pride and joy broken up :rofl: :rofl:
kewlpics :cool2: can you use that hard drive on a PC?
what kind heatsinks where used post some pics of that also naa? :bleh:

lol I cant belive it you did this to a Xbox :(

MOD EDIT: Public warning to Bluffmaster, one more personal attack and you will be under the ban hammer, debete in a civilised manner - Rave
As soon as i find the CPU heatsink i will post the pic of it. Nothing special, it was passively cooled, the fan on the chassis used to blow some air over it, but no fan of its own.

The hestsink on GPU is the same one thats on my GF3 now.

In the meantime here is the pic of PSU of the xbox, modchip ( dont remember which was it ) and the xbox controller. The PSU is not original. I bought the xbox from US for $120 odd a year ago. So bought modchip and 3rd party dual voltage CPU which works in India without need of voltage converter.

I have moded the controller to be use don PC with XBCD drivers.

Cut off the xbox connector and attact the USB wire to wire and you are god to go :D

Using it to play FS2004.

Xbox is much more better than GF3 Ti200 you have done a job which no one will do.

Xbox costs 12k here you could have sold it for 6k and could get some PC Hardware.

But no you kill it.:'(

Anybody would have brought it for 6k.

If you did'nt want money you could have gifted it to someone on TE.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Well i am not depressed and mental as you say bcoz even they wont do such thing right?

It was my xbox. And i from childhood gre up opening stuff. Why would i gift it to anyone? I am not running charity. And it costed me way less than 12K dude. I dont sell things to make profit like others. I offer sell it at same price i buy or less but i dont do charity for no reason ;). I bought it from US for $120. And its not like i cant put it back together. Its easily doable if i want to.

I wanted to see whats inside myself. So i opened it up. It wasent under warranty anyway and i have 2 extra controllers too.

I dont wana sell it. I experiment on things, thats my nature. My plan is to fit real PC inside this box ;)

As the say goes. Boys love their toys. And boys break their toys ;)

Its not about the money i could have got. rather than selling it for dirt cheap price i decided to have some fun ;)
Yep iam selling my ps2 for just rs. 11000 , if u wanna buy just PM me ok ! BTW For u , just for u my dear friend i will do FREE HOME DELIVERY !
bluffmaster said:
Yep iam selling my ps2 for just rs. 11000 , if u wanna buy just PM me ok ! BTW For u , just for u my dear friend i will do FREE HOME DELIVERY !


Nice one. But no thanks. Maybe in next life :)
Sandy said:
areee funky what is this yaar? you are going to make those consoles fan boys very unhappy and sad :rofl: :rofl: their pride and joy broken up :rofl: :rofl:
ROFL why do you think console gamers would care? LOL its Funky's XBox,he can do whatever he wants with it.This hasn't killed all consoles in the world has it? Im still happily playing my PS2 lol....:rofl: :rofl:
@Funky: he he....Good job....lol....:D
If funky kills his xbox and gives life to a gpu, there must be a pretty good reason, and in subsequent posts he has explained it perfectly well for me.

Anyways i trust funky's judgement on conking his xbox, for a worthy cause :)
nice job funky .... i am also interested wats inside of everything ..... i used to open every hardware i have within 10 days i purchased that ..... lost many warranties ..... if i had a console :)