Which Console 2 buy

Are PS3 20 GB, 40 GB models available here. Whats the difference between the 20GB and the 40GB model. Does the 40 GB model have Wifi? Whats the expected street price. Dont mind bringing it over from SG.
I have asked for suggestions on which console to get on several forums and it seems most feel that XBOX 360 has better games and overall better value for money than PS3. Many feel that although PS3 offers more features, it lacks quality games, most are bad ports from 360 and PC.

People are recommending the XBOX360 Elite or Halo 3 Edition since they include HDMI port and also use the Falcon chips.

Now I am really confused. :S It does seem that XBOX360 has better quality games overall. Also 360 games seem to be getting cheaper. All EA games for 360 are going to be price 1999/- or less.
^You are forgetting few points:
1) The price of XBOX 360 Ellite in India??? Since you cant get it gray! Its a lot more than PS3 40gb at 16k without B&W

2) Online gaming? Its my understanding that XBOX Live is not launched in India and you cant play online on Xbox360 from India (I maybe wrong, as I do remember reading that Params could create a dummy US account and play online...) but still is online play as easy/great as PS3?

3) You get a blueray DVD player for 16k!
techcheat said:
^You are forgetting few points:
1) The price of XBOX 360 Ellite in India??? Since you cant get it gray! Its a lot more than PS3 40gb at 16k without B&W

2) Online gaming? Its my understanding that XBOX Live is not launched in India and you cant play online on Xbox360 from India (I maybe wrong, as I do remember reading that Params could create a dummy US account and play online...) but still is online play as easy/great as PS3?

3) You get a blueray DVD player for 16k!

I remember reading an official MS statement that they are launching XboX live in India real soon.
techcheat said:
^You are forgetting few points:

1) The price of XBOX 360 Ellite in India??? Since you cant get it gray! Its a lot more than PS3 40gb at 16k without B&W

2) Online gaming? Its my understanding that XBOX Live is not launched in India and you cant play online on Xbox360 from India (I maybe wrong, as I do remember reading that Params could create a dummy US account and play online...) but still is online play as easy/great as PS3?

3) You get a blueray DVD player for 16k!

I completey agree that PS3 with all its hardware features is a steal for the price it sells for.

But the thing is that the primary purpose of a console is gaming and it does not help if there are no quality exclusives for it. Most of the current cross platform games are available on both XBOX and PS3, but the experience is better on XBOX as they are targetted for XBOX and then being ported to PS3. I am alarmed at the very low number of quality games for the PS3. If this continues, then except for a very few none of them would actually be made to make use of the Cell architecture.
I have almost decided on getting the XBOX 360 Halo 3 Special Edition for now. Will pick it up by this weekend if possible before I change my mind. :p I will probably get a PS3 after another 6 months (When I get a bonus from the company :p ) if there enough good titles comming for it.
That's an excellent decision for now. Go for XBOX 360 now and get a PS3 later. Then u'll have the full scoop of games i.e. Pc, XBOX 360 and PS3. Only Wii will remain :)
techcheat said:
^You are forgetting few points:
1) The price of XBOX 360 Ellite in India??? Since you cant get it gray! Its a lot more than PS3 40gb at 16k without B&W

2) Online gaming? Its my understanding that XBOX Live is not launched in India and you cant play online on Xbox360 from India (I maybe wrong, as I do remember reading that Params could create a dummy US account and play online...) but still is online play as easy/great as PS3?

3) You get a blueray DVD player for 16k!

I can confirm that not only does Xbox live work, it works fantastically! I have been playing Halo 3 for the past month (pretty much since release) and there is almost no lag at all. I play maps with 10 players on my 256 UL MTNL connection and it bloody amazing. Even better Halo 3 lets you and a buddy in split screen mode go online and face off against other people. :hap2:

And as far as a Blu ray player goes it is a very sound investment (esp considering that HD is now almost done) but the problem is Blu ray movies are hard to find, expensive and most people dont have a 1080p set to enjoy them the way they are meant to be played.

Really like everyone else says if you need to play games (primarily) its not even a choice, get a 360. However if you are looking to get a HD Media center going and want to play games (occasionaly) get the PS3.
techcheat said:
How much you are gettin the xbox for?

The official Microsoft price for the Indian PAL Halo 3 Special edition console is 27.5k. I am going to get it from my local Planet M and will try to get the price reduced a bit. Anyway a guy in Mumbai from another forum (360Indians) has already bought this console for 26.5k. Also the XBOX 360 game prices are dropping drastically in India. Most of them will now sell starting form 999/-.
m47r1m said:
However if you are looking to get a HD Media center going and want to play games (occasionaly) get the PS3.

Its all a matter of opinion. In mine, the fact that people go around stating ps3 doesn't have quality games is farce, pure BS. I've got a ps3, Warhawk's been taking all my free time (seriously, 16 vs 16 Capture the Flag and Zones matches have given me the most fun, intense action with a lot of teamwork sense I've ever had in any game online) since I bought it 3 weeks ago. And I've yet to finish off Oblivion, R6 Vegas and Graw 2 with Heavenly Sword, Haze, Jericho, The Simpsons (yes, I'm a big fan of the franchise even if the games suck), Uncharted, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Darkness, Kane & Lynch, Assasins Creed, Ratchet and Clank 5, Folklore, Cod4, Army of Two, Warhawk downloadable expansion, Socom Confrontations on my list to purchase before mid 2008 and hopefully my wallet won't empty when I'm only halfway through this big ass list of games on the console. After which MGS4, FF13, God Of War 3, GTA4, Unreal Tourny 3, Killzone 2, GT5 Prologue are already lined up further and I'm sure plenty more will come by then.

And this is just from my collection and wishlist on the system. Look around sites likes gamespot and ign and compare the library of the two systems, and you'll see when it comes to quality, they are pretty much equal, but in quantity, ps3 looses and that is because of a year's headstart x360 got. And plenty of those I mentioned are exclusives on the ps3 (Haze, Uncharted, Unreal 3), multiports with those better on the ps3 (Oblivion, The Darkness).

So really, like I said its all opinion, and I won't take it as far as calling it a system for just occasional gaming. Its a trend I see being set by hardcore x360 fans all over the internet (and m47r1m, I think Haze has pretty good chances of levelling Halo 3 in terms of gameplay and online :p)

Nish said:
Someone gift me an X360 already. Seriously, this should have happened by now.

I thought you were going to get the Wii first??
+1 for x360. Get a PS2 for cheap and play all the decent games and play on the 360 for current generation. The list of games that the 360 is going to release this holiday season is huge.