Monitors Which is good for gaming? WideScreen or Normal monitor?

For CS and the likes, the normal 4:3 aspect-ratio LCDs do a better job and are widely preferred. That solely depends on the OP.
Well, before jumping into the widescreen bandwagon, i had the same question but then i found that whatever u play now on 4:3 will look the same on widescreen just a little extra space on both sides...

And i didn't find any stretching in any game which i thought would be definitely dere...Seems like the game or the monitor scale well enuf to show every game in a proper resolution and with picture perfect figures...

So, it all looks the same on 4:3 or 16:9, except for local TV which u have to crop to see on widescreen...

Get a 16:9 widescreen if u wanna game and u r not much into watching TV on ur PC. It would be worth every penny u put into it...I am playing Fallout 3 currently...

As of now, the hottest option in TE seems to be the Samsung 2233SW...Get it for ~10.3k and enjoy...

Note: The only problem in these monitors is the resolution...I mean its the best(HD) but u need a good card to play games at this resolution...My 9600GT is a little weak though it lets me play nearly most of the games with medium to high settings at this resolution...So, check ur card before u get a 22"...Else, go for 19" Dell for 7.2k
If you are going to use the computer purely to game, I'd suggest a normal 4:3 monitor. A lot of games/graphics cards do not offer the option to view the game in widescreen mode. As a result, the game looks stretched.
rite said:
Dell eIPS panel for 11k is up for grabs and is pwnet el

I would not reccomend T2200HD just for the simple reason that it doesn't scale well at lower resolutions...Hence, its cheap...E2200HD is good but its way outta ur budget...

The Dell eIPS one in non HD model and 16:10 as far as i know...Correct me if i am wrong...

For gaming and HD movies, the best bet is the new breed of 22" Full HD monitors which include the Samsung 2233 and Dell 2209W(model no. might vary)...And at 10.3k, nothing beats the Samsung...:bleh:

Oh, i didn't mention the looks...Go, check out for urself how the Samsung looks or visit my rig...:p

U can see Samsung everywhere on TE, and hence recommended tag...:eek:hyeah:
rite said:
Dell eIPS panel for 11k is up for grabs and is pwnet el

NONSENSE! Please stop sreading FUD! :|

It was purely a misnomer from Amarbir's side quoting 11k for the 2209WA. The actual price hovers around 18.5~20k.