PC Peripherals which is more reliable???? ASUS or MSI...

Asus has a better presence in India. But then too many ppl have a lot of trouble with their support.

MSI hardly has a presence here other then its lowly Intel configs.
Darklord said:
^^ Isnt that guy asking between Asus and MSI ???
Well DFI is my personal opinion. No offence to you darky, but out of those two, frankly I've seen people have far more problems with Asus boards than MSI boards. Just look at the number of threads in the troubleshooting forum with asus boards. I've never seen an MSI board die all of a sudden but its pretty common in asus boards. True that a few extremely high end boards such as AN32-SLI and P5WD2 Premium are excellent and potentially would never have any issues but the lower end of asus leaves a lot to be desired. In my research lab earlier, all problems were always with asus boards... infact, out of 8 A7N8X-VM mobos, 6 have failed already. There were two MSI K7N2GM based systems that were bought before these and those are still running fine. Also the service center of ASUS in India is shoddy to say the least.
Well the thing is chaos that its not that i have used only high end Asus boards,i have used A7N266-VM,A7N8X-VM,P4C800,A7V8X-X,A7V8X-MX and many more.
None of them have failed on me till yet.All the PCs in my office mostly have Asus boards.None of them have died till no.

I have following boards still used in my office PCs-

All of the above boards are value boards and all have been running fine since they were purchased some 2 years back.

I dont know how you think that low end Asus boards are bad.Well they are low end cost effective boards,obviously cheaper components are used.So logically it wont be fair to expect stability like High end boards costing 10k or above.
Isnt it ?
Also Atleast Asus has Authorised Service centre,does MSI have one ? i donno if there exists one.
Also coming to Asus service,well you can expect them to be perfect,i agree they might have been complete jackasses some times but come on,they arent that bad.Infact my P5GD1 board's 1 RAM slot died after 3-4 days,i gave it for replacement,i got a brand new board in 2 days,you call that bad service? i wouldnt.

Coming to DFI,well i agree their build quality is good but when it comes to Quality Control,i am not too sure.Also please bear in mind that everyone isnt as knowledgable as you are to setup and tweak DFI board for perfect operation.
I hope you get what i am trying to say here.
@ rahul_techee,
Just get a foxconn socket 939 m/b and you will never have to send it for claiming warranty. Eliminate the cause and you will never need a cure.!!!;)

1) Buy a DFI if you know, or pretend to know ur stuff. ;) :no:

2) Buy Asus / MSI if you have money to spare, want to claim superiority (GEEK Appeal), or plan to sell it after using it for a few weeks (or when the dealer calls you for overdue payment ...at least in my case:p ) whichever is earlier .....;)

seriously: Both are equally good. the difference being MSI will rarely require warranty service.

3) Buy Foxconn (3K or less is the current price) if you want to live happily ever after ....

ps:Asrock 939 sata2 m/b is not too bad, considering its value for money property.
I use gigabyte. Performance is nothing to write home about, but it seems reliable, seeing as how it has survived major PSU + earthing problems.
I'd say MSI, I had only 1 asus board till date, caps on it started leaking within 1 year of use and the service center guys refused to repair it 'cause they said leaky caps are not covered under warranty :mad:, so had to get the mobo fixed privately.

I am using MSI board on other comp, and its running fine and stable for more than 2 yrs.
ASUS! but i'd say go fopr asrock i am seeing these as babies pergforming extremely well in day to day operations.
The onboard lan card on my Asus K8N stopped working 2 weeks back. :(

I agree with chaos, my 5 year old dfi mobo is still working fine.
Chaos said:
Well DFI is my personal opinion. No offence to you darky, but out of those two, frankly I've seen people have far more problems with Asus boards than MSI boards. Just look at the number of threads in the troubleshooting forum with asus boards. I've never seen an MSI board die all of a sudden but its pretty common in asus boards. True that a few extremely high end boards such as AN32-SLI and P5WD2 Premium are excellent and potentially would never have any issues but the lower end of asus leaves a lot to be desired. In my research lab earlier, all problems were always with asus boards... infact, out of 8 A7N8X-VM mobos, 6 have failed already. There were two MSI K7N2GM based systems that were bought before these and those are still running fine. Also the service center of ASUS in India is shoddy to say the least.
Agree with u...MSI's higher boards aren't seen much here...by seen I mean bought ofcourse. I have an 875P neo and have been thrashing it since early 03 no probs. 3 pals in Jub also have the same boards no probs so far...