Which OS for gaming?


I know this sounds weird, but i haven't tried out vista or the 64 bit version of xp, so need some help. This is mainly for my new rig that will be completed this week. I will use the normal suite of apps (photoshop/dreamweaver etc) and some recent games (crysis,COD 4, Orange Box).

I want to know if there is a real world performance gain using the 64 bit of windows. And between the following, which one would you chose :

1. Windows xp 32 bit

2. Windows xp 64 bit

3. Vista Ultimate 32/64 bit

I know dx10 is supported on vista only, but does the 64bit version actually make a difference? Also what about compatibility issues?
best one is 32 bit xp.. its the stable one.. For games & for other general worsks.. But if ur a sick hard core gamer put up the Xp 64 bit n see the lively diff in game installing n booting & all the SPPPEEDy works u can do.. For new gen games VISTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA>... is the only SWeeT solution But if u gt 2gb ram Vista is The BOSS... :D
xp32bit rock solid stable... but Vista(64bit for faster one) wud b d choice for future gaming as it enables true DX10 support which will b key for next-gen gaming... but yes u r right dere r lots of compatibility issue still surrounded with 64bit but u know new technology always creates a crash as in d process to come in mainstream... same thing happend wen xp just released and most user believed Win98 was still d best solution for everyone as it got full support from software end as well as hardware...

real world performance gain always comes letter on new technology though 64bit is pretty older but still faces a bit problem with major mainstream products...