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Just got this frm the site whilst surfing


Has ny1 registered for the GAMEBOX NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP 2005 frm here....

*inserts the 4th disc of UT2004*
Is ny1 cming from mumbai??
Info plz....
will b happy to c members from TE there..... ;)

Me mite take part in Underground nd UT2004 :ohyeah:
*inserts the 5th disc of UT2004*

mite b goin there tomorow to register....does ny1 hav ny info on registration charges.......had heard they looted pppl the last time (heard recently)

members who hav registerd plz post....

*inserts the PLAY DISC of UT2004*

*Off to frag :ohyeah: sme ass*
Important Dates:

Registration Deadline: 22 May 2005
WebWorld Prelims: 23-26 May 2005
Regional Quarter-Finals: 28-30 May 2005
Zonal Semi-Finals: 02-04 June 2005
Finals: 11-12 June 2005


The nine National Winners each get a TVS Victor GLX 125 Bike.
Regional Level winners each get a Samsung YEPP Digital Audio Player.

Why do I need a Victor for??? I already have aPulsar 180 and a 22 yr old Yezdi Roadking.......

And why do I need a Yepp??? I already have an iriver.............

Now, I do not want to see replies telling me why a TVS 125 is better than a P180 or why a yepp is better than an iriver.....

I was half joking........... I will certainly try to take part............
lol prizes sux as always, a bike for gamer? LMAO...

nevertheless, lets see in which game i cud participate..
I'd say this is damnation take away Reliance! They sooooooooooo sux!

The bike part should be completely scrapped! Instead, keep some kick-ass AMD gaming rig!

Registration is Rs. 100 per game :rofl:
Has ny1 taken part ;)

Online site date says its starts frm today......30th May
whn i inquired ystrday...thy said tourney will start frm 4th june (which on the site says is regional QFinals) ....so looks like MANY hav registerd :rofl:

Theres NO UT2k4 torney takin place :bombs reliance's bases all over:
nor ny warcraft or fifa :rofl:

REASON : there r many ppl takin part :rofl: ;) .....think u got wht i mean 2 say..

So its just NFS nd CS

nd this is a BIG tournament .:rofl:

BTW no1 on TE is a gamer :(
I know..
Stormy ...CS...who else?....nd he's gonna b thr at Crossroads,
but was asking since no1 takin part in reliance , or no1's really interested?

BTW wht bout u??
Naa, i dont think i'll take part in this one, firstly no caln here locally, so that wud be some issue coz a new formed clan wud require some amount of parctice, and that too on LAN.. I'll see what happens, mostly, wudnt be taking part.

As for UG, bahh, i wanted UG2, take corolla and Dyno run it, hehehe ;)
Cs player eh;)

BTw me am happy bout UG, as am not a great tuner :(
so for me its like , was a clean race. :) if i lose :hap5:
or i wud b cryin bout why i cudnt tune better :ashamed:
Shit man No Warcraft.......No UT........

I went with my Audi TT.......no they wont take it.....so i had to Remodel it there......and what do u know even that is not allowed...... u got to play with the stock Car....
BORING!!!!! 100Bucks down the drain
Wht r u takin bout???

Whr r u frm??
Here competiton starts frm 4th nd 1st round of NFS is on 5th :rofl:

nd yes no UT:(
Yup....dnt think ny competition allows tht....
u hav to use cars frm thier base.....but those can b level3 installed rite??

so did u qualify?? ;)
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