Linux why some people hate fedora ?

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I have gotten this feeling that some sect on the internet just hate Fedora and when asked why they really don't wish to answer !
I really would like to learn the "why" part, if anyone in this forum knows why :ohyeah: please enlighten me. :)

I don't mean to spur a inter distro war here...
Well, as like some people hate Fedora, some people hate Ubuntu too, some people hate OpenSUSE too..(Not naming Arch as I guess there aren't any who hate Arch :P)

So don't try to find reasons. Use whichever distro you like or whichever distro fulfils your requirements best.
nobody hates stuff nobody uses, so if anybody uses something, somebody must hate it

you could have also asked "why some people LOVE fedora ? "

well maybe its v-day effect
I hate Ubuntu - i hate the name and i hate how it feels and functions - i like stability in my distros and fedora provides nothing but stability. i have been running fc 13 goddard in my laptop since april/may 2010 and its still going strong. I dont understand the appeal of Ubuntu.
People started hating OpenSuse because of the Novell-Microsoft deal.. Ubuntu sucks because..well.. its too easy.. I'm a long time user of Fedora too.. running it since the days of Fedora Core 4.. although I shifted towards Ubuntu because the conflict with ATI driver & X.Org but I reverted back to it when I got my GTX 260.. I've been running it Arch & Windows 7 on my machine.. People may hate Fedora because it is too bleeding-edge?
As I said on my first post, this controversy won't end ever, there will always be controversies about distros, I use Fedora on my office and I love it, I use Ubuntu and Arch at home and same here I love both of them too. I tried OpenSUSE, didn't liked it and just uninstalled it.

So it's simple like that. Just use what you like, all are good in their own way, every distro have their positive and negative sides. So it's up to you, what you choose.

As every distro(specially major ones) have their extensive support, IRC, Mailing List etc. etc. you will solve your problem today or tomorrow.

NOTE : Once you start liking a distro, stick with it, distro hopping for a problem won't help and won't solve your problem in even whole life.

Enjoy whatever you like / use :D
its not to make a decision on which distro to use :P because I like Fedora, Ubuntu, Arch, and pile lot of other distro's.
I was just wondering if this hate is something beyond the personal liking :P
i prefer Fedora though my entire office use Ubuntu.

Earlier, Red Hat played some tough games and alienated few, then it stayed on.

Some say 'internet never forgets' :)
if I remember, it should be... by the time... Red Hat splitting RHEL and Fedora... it seems to have created a precedent.

I remember people calling Red Hat the Microsoft of Linux... :)

hmmm... I now know Fedora as one of the best distros, forget the past and try to get along.

The only thing it lacks is polish - which I don't care much for.
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