Monitors Widescreen LCD aspect ratio confusion.


Simple question-
What's better for widescreen LCD monitors- 16:10 or 16:9 aspect ratio? :S
Or is it task dependent- varies for gaming, movies, graphics designing, ... or screen size/native resolution dependent or something like that? :ashamed:
16:9 ratio is better if u see the figures in tv calc

FOr a 22incher lcd


Viewable Image Info:

Image Dimensions: 20.35" x 11.43"

Image area: 232.6 sq. in.

Screen Utilization: 89.86%


Viewable Image Info:

Image Dimensions: 19.19" x 10.78"

Image area: 206.87 sq. in.

Screen Utilization: 100%

so its better to get a 16:9 ws lcd as screen is more properly utilised and image is also gr8er than 16:10 one
as the aspect ratio becomes larger (larger difference between numbers), the number of effective pixels drops for any given horizontal resolution.

1920x1440 = 4:3

1920x1200 = 16:10

1920x1080 = 16:9

In general, a larger number of pixels is desirable for creation tasks, and a narrower aspect for consumption tasks as the eye technically has a wide FOV.

There aren't many, if any, 16:9 monitors for desktop use (I think BenQ has one model) out now, though it's slated as the screen dimension of the future. Manufacturers will want to save the cash and pass off what is basically a smaller screen at roughly the same price. The desktop 16:9s are in development, expect every manufacturer launching "HD" panels in Q4/08 or Q1/09 with a lot of marketing hype, and with basically a quarter million pixels less real estate than current offerings.