Monitors widescreen monitor for 12k


guys after waiting some days ...ive decided to buy my monitor tomorrow

my budget is 12k
i am looking to 20 or 22 inch monitor for gaming and hd media content....
i am in what abt lg22wtq or 20wtq or samsung nx series
$#@$#@nk said:
how is BenQ E2200HD?

New product so no decent review available for now. But see it like this: if watching movies is your sole concern, i think this is gonna be a quite nice LCD with claims of full HD and a suggested price of around 13,000.

But If it's general computer use and gaming, i think you better stay away from it for two reasons:

1- they are giving 1920x1080 res on 21.X" something monitor. That means icons and text are gonna be too small to be really comfortable. Of course, you can deal with it by raising DPI, but it can only save the situation up to an extent.

2- 1920x1080 will need some serious gfx horsepower to render games in full glory and even then I doubt that you will enjoy games as much as you can do on a 24" monitor. because even though res is same, BenQ E2200HD, has smaller screen.

Bottomline: for now I don't think it seems like a viable option, but let the reviews come and then if this monitor proves its worth in picture quality and colour reproduction and we may live with a few shortcomings like smaller icons etc. :)
guys i am serious i want go above 19 inch to get 1680 res......

and i have 8800gts 512mb so..............plz recommend me a good 20 or 22 inch screen
If u want 1680*1050 resolution on 19" incher, go for Viewsonic VX1940W. it must be available now for 9.5K locally at Ritche

Its one of the best for gaming with great specs
fortunately or unfortunately most of the shops were closed today so ill be buying on wednesday...................................

@pcgamer "can we get that res on 19inch monitor"

guys my budget is 12k i can extend abt a .5k if necessary

itl be a godly help if u suggest me a monitor that suits me................
sangram said:
I know you specified a 20 or 22 inch moitor, but...

HP has a 19" widescreen that is definitely non-TN (it may be S-PVA), at about 13.5. Picture quality and viewing angles are brilliant, as is the colour reproduction.

You can ignre this post now. If not, you can check it out at Croma (maybe, their stock varies by location) or call ahead and find if they have it in stock.
Got the HP one for 11k from SP road today for one of my friend, I installed XP in it and as far as i can say, i did not noticed much difference in the stock xp wallpaper with my say Dell SE198WFP. Default brightness is 80.

Motherboard is 7050 based and it is connected in the analog connector as it comes with a dvi port but not cable.

Builds quality imo does not feels THAT good, infact Dell looks better. Though HP provided some good customization software to play with.

Can you provide details in which panel it exactly is? It seems no online website has much details of it as yet.

Model number is hp L1908WM