Windows Windows 10 Professional OEM

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MCITP 2008
Greetings everyone,

I am not sure how many people are aware of this but since there was no such post i would like to create one.

Recently when i was reformatting my system, I wanted to install Windows 10 directly but we don't have a key for it since like many others I too Upgraded my os from Windows 8.1 Pro to Windows 10 Pro.

But I found out that OEM keys are available for less than Rs. 2000/- from a video that was posted by Paul of PaulsHardware on Youtube. I purchased my Windows 10 Pro OEM key for just 1200/- thinking there was no way this is legit. So I installed Windows 10 and used the OEM key to my surprise the key worked great. And now i can install Windows 10 Pro directly instead of wasting time Upgrading from Windows 8.1

For those who are interested in purchasing below is the link, I am in no way affiliated with the site or have any commission.

I have bought around 10 keys ( 9 of them for work) and i am happy to report that all of them work. The cheapest i've purchased was for Rs. 1200 odd and others i bought for Rs. 2000 approx


Link to website:

OEM keys are not meant to be used like this, if anything legal arises, or if you are part of a Company, you would be in a lot of trouble.

That's a wrong assumption.

OEM means Original Equipment Manufacturer. When you are assembling a PC, you are the assembler aka. the manufacturer of that system. You fall under the OEM category. because what are Dell / HP etc they are all OEMs they don't manufacture parts they source them from 3rd party and assemble them.

I suggest you read Microsoft's OEM System Builder License guide found here

What mutant said is correct. These are most likely salvaged keys.

If the key is not locked to the branded hardware, they will work with other hardware, but that does not mean that what you have is legitimate windows.

Its sort of like how some students sold serial keys provided under programs like dream spark. Yes, they will be usable, but what you have is not legitimate windows if you are not a student eligible under the program.

Technically, OEM keys should not even be sold standalone. They can be sold only along with an assembled system or along with parts that comprise a bare bones kit.

Usually MS doesn't bother about enforcing their licensing requirements stringently on home users, but businesses are a different matter.

If you are building a system for your personal use or installing an additional operating system in a virtual machine, you will need to purchase a full version of Windows 10, available in FPP. Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7 system builder software does not permit personal use, and is intended only for preinstallation on customer systems that will be sold to end users.*
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OEM keys last for one or 2 mobo changes , thats good for most people but yeah it has its limitations. OEM vs RETAIL . For 2k I could have got you MSDN Retail keys .
Microsoft does not sell OEM keys as such low price. Check price in amazon.

One thing that could happen with this low price keys is that it will work at first. Then since it has been registered in Microsoft server, Microsoft may ban it later if they found anything wrong about it. So the next time you try to activate windows 10 with the same low price key then it will not activate.

Or may be the website selling it has access to OEM license being sold to manufacturers.
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