Less than 10K Windows Phone for parents (Nokia)

Looking for a nokia phone for parents..
expected budget max: 7k
Brand new
Camera 5mp Min.. 720p video...
Front camera: not required..

Please give a shout if you have suggestions..
I think you can have a look at 630 Dual Sim. My wife has one. Its good phone overall just two negatives from my side:
1. No Flash
2. No secondary camera, which is not your requirement.
That 512mb device runs as smooth as an apple phone and still has 460mb free with whatsapp and a few more messengers running in the background.
Looks like black magic when compared to an android device.
Thanks all...
I might end up getitng 630...
But... is the lack of brightness sensor something to worry about?
how will 512mb ram device perform in future.. (as some Windows 10 features might not be available)?
635 has a very good battery. Its over your budget but i think you should consider it. See battery benchmark

something about models ending with 5. The 525 was also a good device.

otherwise lumias in general have mediocre to average battery life.

Is original moto e not an option ? It's hard to make a decent device for under 10k, this is one rare example.

630 is a downgraded device. they took out important bits compared to 620, substituted with others and used lots of ads to fool people.

btw there is no more noikia name on the device since oct last year it is just lumia since.
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