PC Peripherals Wireless keyboard/mouse suggestion


I'm looking for a wireless keyboard mouse combo for around ₹500.

At this price point I'm having difficulty finding a Bluetooth option.

What I do get is those USB wifi dongle setup 2.4 ghz stuff which I'm not sure what experience they will provide.

Any suggestions? Should I go for them or will Bluetooth be better advised.

Any suggestions with links would be most welcome.
500 rupees you wont get anything good even from China.
Those generic wifi keyboards are crap keyboards. I have a wifi touch mini keyboard and the main problem is it types out letters besides the ones you tap on. ex instead of o it inputs i. Better get a low cost logitech wifi keyboard from Amazon. Its usually on sale for 699 or something. The logitech wifi keyboard plus wifi mouse sells for 1.2k but during deals it can be had for 50 or 100 less.

Kbd only - http://www.amazon.in/Logitech-K230-Wireless-Keyboard/dp/B01267B9CW/
Kbd + mouse - http://www.amazon.in/Logitech-MK215-Wireless-Keyboard-Mouse/dp/B012MQS060/
Only wireless mouse will be above 500 always. The prices are designed to make people buy the keyboard too. Getting a kbd+mouse will be more economical if you want to go wireless.
For recommendations, get Logitech/Dell/HP if you can afford them. The rest Technotech/Portronics/etc are all cheap chinese no brand items and may or may not work after a few months. If you stick with logitech, you could use the same wifi receiver for both mouse and kbd in future instead of adding another wifi dongle in pc.
Is this for a desktop/laptop/anything else ? Also please do share the link/company ofrom where you found a wireless combo for 500.
What I do get is those USB wifi dongle setup 2.4 ghz stuff which I'm not sure what experience they will provide.
They are ok, in my experience. PRO: no setup CON: takes a usb port!

As already stated wireless combo in 500 is risky. You could try your luck... or for a standalone wireless mouse , There are plenty to choose from , but all from almost unheard of brands. Here are a few from brands that I have heard about in the market: https://www.snapdeal.com/search?key...lvncy&q=Price:165,500|Brand:Portronics^Rapoo| - don't know about reliability etc of these
I have the logitech combo linked in earlier post in this thread, been using it for a few years now on my home PC and it's mostly fine. There are very rare instances where key presses get lost or the mouse movement gets stuck for a second or two (probably due to 2.4 ghz interference with wifi router) but that is only momentary. So that means you certainly should not use wireless for gaming :)

Bluetooth might be better but then again I use a BT wireless mouse with my office laptop that also faces momentary glitches some times but not sure if that is due to signal issue/interference or Win7 power saving issue with bluetooth drivers.