Storage Solutions Wireless mice start stuttering when EXT HDD connected.

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Small Logitech mice, and one random portronics mouse, all start to lag and stutter when I connect my external HDD via USB.
I also plug-in a webcam and game controller via other USB ports, and I cannot use all three together at once. My pc refuses.

Is the motherboard chipset not able to handle so many devices? What is the issue?
I especially cant deal with the mice not working when the HDD is connected.
Is this on PC or laptop?
Are the HDD and mouse connected on adjacent USB ports?
Do you get the same effect if they are connected on opposite sides of the laptop (or front and back on PC)?
I have seen it happen if they are the two front adjacent ports. Moving the external HDD to a rear USB port solved the issue.
Use a powered USB hub. Adjacent ports on your mobo typically share power and bandwidth. Seems the external HDD is consuming too much power.
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