Monitors Worth changing from 20" to 23" Full HD Monitor?


I presently have an Acer P203w 20" LCD monitor. Now I'm thinking about changing and upgrading to a Samsung P2350 23" Full HD monitor but was just wondering will it be worth it? Will there be a noticeable difference in the screen size?

My main purpose will be for watching movies.

TIA :)
if ur current monitor is 16:10 aspect ratio then there is hell lot of difference in video scaling on a 16:9 monitor.......go for it without any further thought.....else the extra space is noticeable but depending on ur viewing distance...
Moved from a 16:10 22inch (1680x1050) to a 16:10 24inch (1920x1200) in Jan last year. I felt it was a huge difference at that time. I guess 20inch to 23inch would feel the same.
whatsinaname said:
Moved from a 16:10 22inch (1680x1050) to a 16:10 24inch (1920x1200) in Jan last year. I felt it was a huge difference at that time. I guess 20inch to 23inch would feel the same.
Exactly! I moved from a Dell 2208WFP to a 2407WFP during Feb last year. All those 1080p blu-ray rips and those 700MB dvd-rips started making a difference here. Sometimes I feel the 720p rips do not do justice to the LCD.
Looks perhaps. And honestly, I wouldn't go with a display which has a 16:9 aspect ratio. At the cost of reducing the effective pixels, applications such as photoshop, games etc take a hit whereas movies may possibly get an advantage with the reduction of black bars on the top and bottom.